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Re: NASA Ready to "Explain" Slowing Rotation of the Earth?

In Article:  <[email protected]> Kingman wrote:
> Michael L Cunningham wrote in message <[email protected]>
>> Kingman wrote:
>>> NASA seems to be anticipating questions from the public
>>> about the earth's slowing rotation:
>> Only for the stupid and uninitiated. It's milliseconds and you
>> sound oddly enough to be a zeta drone troll.
>>> The utter retardedness of the Nasa explaination says it dumb!
> They are running out of stories!!

The Troubled Times TEAM monitoring slowing rotation signs has compiled
information on this, and recently the slowing has been variously gauged
as 1sec/day or a third of that rate.

    As clocks are concerned, I note an increasing shift between
    standard and radio guided [atomic, changed automatically by
    the Navy] clocks. My method is simple. I set 3 normal digital
    clocks equal to a radio guided [atomic, changed automatically
    by the Navy] clock. Few days later, the 3 standard clocks
    stay at the same hour/min/sec time but are not in synch with
    the radio guided one. For now, we loose almost 1 second per
    day, which is relatively important, I think.

    I am using the Precision Time software. We (my father and I) are
    checking each day the accuracy of the CMOS clock of our
    computers (not only at home). For a week it is always exactly
    matched, but on Tuesday evening it is alway ahead of the
    atomic clock. We noted last week 10sec and the week before
    12sec. The difference is always about 8sec since the start of
    the year. In december the difference was 5sec.
    So. 6x8+10+12=1':10" slowing since the start of the year, if the
    Navy sets it's atomic clock correctly to the slowing rotation.
    If not, the difference can be larger.

The following is the results after adding measurements taken on 2 Mar 03
and represent the results of the last 2 months.

    Summary: The present measurements, Chart D1, shows 263
    cumulative seconds speed up (difference from July 1998 to
    2 Mar 2003) when our clocks are compared to National
    bureau of standards Atomic Time. This is equivalent to a
    possible slow down of Atomic time because of added
    documented and undocumented leap seconds. There is
    always the possibility of some of the long-term slope being
    due to battery discharging anomalies or other inherent error
    sources. The hope has been by having lots of measurements
    (and many different manufactures) over an extended time
    that most of these errors are minimized.

    The current measurements show a significant trend change.
    I think we can safely say that we have found indication of
    additional undocumented seconds being added to atomic time.
    What is plotted on these curves represents the average
    over the past time frame (2 months for the last point). Thus
    at present time (2 Mar 03) the current trend could be over
    twice what the current average data shows for the last 2
    months (.31 sec/day or 59 sec/year^2).

Also, please DO check into what the Navy did in 1994 with their lunar
phase data.

    The published date and time (nearest Minute) for Full moons from
    1950 to present time (2001) is tabulated by the Navy. Because of
    the amount of variation in data points from year to year, a large
    number of points was needed to get a good average and see the
    current trends.

    The trend for the last 52 years (1950-2001) is shown as a 10.3 sec/year slope.
    The trend for the last 42 years (1960-2001) is shown as a 13.6 sec/year slope.
    The trend for the last 32 years (1970-2001) is shown as a 13.8 sec/year slope.
    The trend for the last 22 years (1980-2001) is shown as a -7.4 sec/year slope.
    The trend for the last 12 years (1990-2001) is shown as a -22.3 sec/year slope.

More detail on Slowing TEAM and TOPIC info can be found on the web:
as well as the REASON for this rapid slowing:

    Where the master clock is in the hands of the US Navy, which has
    been in the center of the secrecy over Planet X and related matters
    for almost half a century, this is not a difficult feat. All network
    computers in the world, ultimately, sync with the US Navy master
    clock, most by the networks dialing in during the night and
    adjusting. A second here, a second there, and it is always assumed
    to be the peripheral computers that are off, a bit, when an
    adjustment is made! Unless an individual is astute, and notices the
    increased adjustments required to their watches and clocks, they
    assume they are the problem, not the master clocks that run the
    world. Where clocks can be tweaked, the Moon is not so
    cooperative, and thus it takes longer and longer for the Earth to
    line up to where it can sight a full moon from the same spot.
        ZetaTalk™: Slowing Rotation