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Re: "Poles Ready to Flip"

None <[email protected]> wrote in message <[email protected]>
> Himitsu wrote:
> > Steve Havas wrote:
> >> Thomas McDonald wrote in message <[email protected]>
> >>> Steve Havas wrote:
> >>>> Mr. XXXX <[email protected]> wrote in message <[email protected]>
> >>>>> Mike <[email protected]> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> There you go.  In writing:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> It appears to me just like one more apocalypse prophecy (from which I
> >>>>> already survived three...)
> >>>>
> >>>> This was not an unknowmcountry only article but a widely distributed
> >>>> news article.
> >>>>,4057,5829948%5E401,00.html
> >>>
> >>> Steve,
> >>> What do you think this means?  Do you think this is Nancy's
> >>> "pole flip", or something else?
> >>
> >> Maybe just the Earth's magnetic field getting screwed up as PX nears,
> >> ZetaTalk talks about this...
> >>
> >
> > zetatalk and your cultqueen talk about every piece of both psuedo science
> > and real science she can come up with the scare people into believing in
> > her mythical planet. Of course, she skews and twists the real science into
> > a bunch of mumbo jumbo that makes no sense whatsoever to help her cult
> > believe in her. Get a clue, the magnetc poles are constantly moving and on
> > occasion they actually do shift. This has nothing to do with your mythical
> > planet or your soon to be koolaid gulping cult.
> Low IQ morons like zetakooks should be aborted before they are born (or shot or
> suffocated right after they are born). People with lower IQs than 100 should be
> sterilized so that they can't spread their moron genes.
There always has to be at least one Nazi in the bunch, geeesh! 
Steve Havas