Planet X: the JIM (let-them-drown) SCOTTI Object [5]
And to return to our challenge, that you address WHY
such an object, or such an orbit, CANNOT exist, other
than to sputter "not within our current understanding"
of how things work, we will restate the question. We
fully expect you to run away again, as you CANNOT
do this without giving our other statements credence,
and you prefer to let the innocents in the populace,
those uninformed about what you are well aware of is
an inbound object, drown.
Quoting from the last Scotti exchange:
In Article <[email protected]> ZetaTalk wrote:
> Jim, please explain to the astronomers on this Usenet
> why a sling orbit CANNOT exist, simply because you
> have not observed it. Please explain why a smoldering
> brown dwarf that is LESS than the size of Jupiter cannot
> exist, simply because you have not observed it. Please
> explain why a planet cannot approach one of its foci in
> rapid speed, such that it is perhaps a quarter of the
> speed of light, simply because you have not observed it.
> Please explain why a gravity repulsion force cannot exist,
> which prefectly explains why your Moon stays suspended
> where it does, moving as slowly around the Earth as it
> does, contrary to your Law of Gravity which would make
> it plummet to Earth promptly, simply because you have
> not yet pronounced such a force in existence. We, and
> the readership which hopes to hold you in continuing
> respect, await your reply.
> ZetaTalk
And from existing ZetaTalk on the orbit and speed, etc:
The 12th Planet is circling on a long elliptical orbit
around the sun and its dead companion which lies
at a distance some 18.724 times the length from the
sun to Pluto. It is not a long distance to be traveled
in 3,657 years, especially considering that it
transverses the solar system in 3 short months!
Clearly, the uptick in speed is considerable, and the
rate of speed as it floats from one binary sun to the
other is sedate in comparison. Thus, when the
passage is due in 2003, there is an exponential
increase in speed during the last years, and this
speeding up has already started. To compute the
distance from the solar system on any given date,
create an exponential equation which takes into
consideration the total distance we have given for
the sun's dead companion, the years [Planet X]
takes to make a complete ellipse (3,657), and the
approximate May 15, 2003 date of the next passage.
The distance will differ greatly, thus, depending
upon the date.
ZetaTalk: Distance
... we will describe the eccentric orbit of Planet X,
between your Sun and its dark twin. This unlit
binary sun lies some 18.74 times the distance
from your Sun to Pluto, at a 11 degree angle
from the ecliptic, in the direction of the
constellation of Orion. Though farther away,
twice the distance or more, from where Planet X
rides at the moment, it is a large gravitational
giant, and thus between these two binaries
Planet X is caught in a highly elliptical orbit.
This orbit does not fit into man's astrophysics
theories, and thus it cannot be described by
the math used by man to describe comet or
orbit behavior. Yet the orbit makes sense, if
one puts the dictates of man's current theories
aside... When approaching one of its suns,
Planet X picks up speed, ... and thus acts like
a comet when coming through the solar system.
It shoots through the solar system, its speed
causing it to bypass the sun. Once past, with
both gravitational pulls behind it, it stops, ...
and then returns on the same path.
ZetaTalk: Sling Orbit
In the dozen or so years prior to a passage,
Planet X speeds up from almost a standstill to a
zoom, toward the foci it is approaching. Imagine
the Earth without atmosphere, and a rock some
miles overhead. What is the speed limit on this
rock as it plummets? There is no limit in space,
only that which mankind assumes. During
math discussions on sci.astro, it has been
surmised that the speed of Planet X approaches
the speed of light during its most rapid approach,
and this astonishes those in the discussion.
Why is it assumed that light is the fastest thing
in the universe, re travel?
ZetaTalk: Speed
Date Dist to Earth Dist in
in S-P units B. mls.
11/7/02 5.2965 19.464
2/7/03 3.1865 11.71
Table of Distances