Planet X: the JIM (let-them-drown) SCOTTI Object [2]
In Message <[email protected]> ZetaTalk wrote:
> In Message <[email protected]> Jim Scotti wrote:
>> Assuming it is the size and albedo of Saturn (isn't it
>> supposed to be a Brown Dwarf, so it should be larger
>> and give off some of its own light?), it would have to
>> be about 100 times farther away than Saturn - that
>> would be something like 1000 times the distance of
>> Earth from the Sun!
In thread Re: Planet X: Why Sarah Mac FAILS
In Article: <[email protected]> Jim Scotti wrote:
> If your fictitious object orbits the sun every 3600
> years as you've stated, it can't get farther than about
> 470 astronomical units from the sun which means it
> should never get fainter than 20th magnitude if it is as
> you describe it.
To NOT mix our descriptions of this inbound
monster, about to tear life as you know it apart
here on Earth in four short months, with YOUR
limited human understanding of how the Universe
works, we will ask Nancy to post our long
standing descriptions of this traveling planet,
which is life supporting, but in that it generates
its own heat and light, we have termed this a
smoldering brown dwarf. In fact, you HAVE no
term that would describe it. Does this make it
nonexistent? Perhaps you've been assisting with
the Pope-Scope there at your Tucson University
position too long, and have developed Pope-Logic:
raping the altar boys and ignoring their ruined
lives is OK, because at least the sex that these
pedophile priests are having is not breaking
church law by using CONTRACEPTIVES! Such
is your logic here, that if YOU don't have an
approved term for a planet such as we've
described, then it does not exist! Thus, the
pedophiles get endlessly transferred and the
Catholic Church is smug in their righteousness!
Thus, Jim is smug in his stances. If it is not an
object whose description JIM has blessed, then
it ain't happening!
From existing ZetaTalk:
They have a dimmer day. The glow in their atmosphere
comes from rifts within their ocean. They are inhabiting
a brown dwarf that is in a slow smolder. It happens also
to be a water planet, so that the places where the results
of the chemical reaction that produces their light come
through are in the deepest rifts closest to the molten core,
and scattered throughout their atmosphere. Therefore
they have a continuous light, equivalent perhaps to late
in your day or very early in the morning. They do have
their quiet times. Their agriculture is much less extensive
than the agriculture of Earth. They tend to gather rather
than grow. There are fewer of them per square mile than
your rich and fertile earth sustains.
ZetaTalk, 12th Planet
Humans are aware of heat and light being produced
together - fire, the Sun, and elements heated until they
glow. Humans are also aware of light being produced
without heat, as with fireflies or minerals that are
phosphorescent. And of course, there is heat without
light, close at hand as in 98.6 degrees. [Planet X] has
both heat and light, generated from within its core. Life
on [Planet X, which is inhabited by a large hominoid
indistinguishable from humans other than by its size,
experiences continuous day. Life that has evolved
there does not sleep, but rests. The light is diffused in
the atmosphere, and returns to the land surface, but
emerges from the core to interact with the atmosphere
only via the surface of the deep oceans, which cover
the majority of the planet's surface. You may equate
this to volcanic activity, where the Earth has
numerous places both above ground and under the
oceans that ooze molten lava. Just so [Planet X] has
places where the molten and churning substance in its
core escapes to the surface.
Fires such as go on in the center of suns do not only
proceed full bore. Why would they? Do you not have
a fire within you that is maintained at a steady
temperature? Do you not find that the fire in your
fireplace can be slowed by adjusting the damper?
Humans do not understand what is occurring within
the Sun, a combustion of sorts that ignited because of
the pressure of elements following the big bang, during
the congealing period. The Sun was not born, lit. It lit
as compression continued to the point where a product
of subatomic particle collision did not dissipate, but
accumulated, and the degradation of this substance
is what you are viewing and feeling in your sunlight.
This is a simplistic explanation for a complicated
process. [Planet X has a similar process ongoing
within its core, but being composed of heavier
substances than your Sun, this process is slowed.
You can equate this to mixing medicine into food,
rather than taking it directly. This is tolerated because
the incident or rate of medicine reacting with a taste
bud is reduced, or slowed.
ZetaTalk: 12th Planet Glow