Re: ZetaBabble [tm]
In Message <[email protected]> Jim Scotti wrote:
> Their object is not even consistent with an object which orbits
> the Sun in only 3600 years like Sitchin's fictitious Niburu and the
> object which Nancy claims.
According to who? Humans? Human astrophysics?
We could debate your theories, which are wrong to the
larger degree, or your track record, which is laughable, but
what would be the point? Are you saying you know ALL?
Cannot be surprised by anything NEW that the Universe
might present to you? Is this what you are saying? Jim
Scotti, all knowing and knowledgeable? Einstein and Newton
can't be put on the same page with each other but you teach
BOTH to your students and refuse to address the
contradictions and you are ALL KNOWING? Give us a break!
> If it were the object they claim and anywhere near Saturns
> distance or closer, it would have to be a very obvious naked
> eye object - there ain't nothing there folks, and you can go
> out tonight and look for yourselves if you have any doubts.
Oh, now we're skipping to the end of March, 2003 and
looking for it without amateur scopes? The object we claim
is the size and distance stated above, NOT your flawed
and limited human definition of what a brown dwarf can be?
This is NOT several times the size of Jupiter. Anywhere
near Saturn's distance? Not until 7 weeks before passage,
which we have pegged as shortly after May 15, 2003.
See: Viewing Specs (
> Nancy's planet should be much brighter than Saturn if it were
> orbiting the sun as she has described it.
You're having an identity crisis, Jim, this is the orbit as YOU
would describe it. The big egg shaped orbit, going around
the Sun, NOT slinging past it was we described. Moving
SLOOOWWWWLY, so it must be viewed as huge already to
get here in the next few months, NOT at the speed we describe.
Get a grip, Jim! Repeat to yourself "this is me, that is them,
this is me, that it them". Breathe deeply.