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Planet X: BRIGHTER to 147% on Nov 15 Images

Even when including the pixels that represent the tail of Planet X,
allowing those pixels to be included in a background count, the pixels
representing planet X are 151% over background!  This compares to
brightness over background on the prior images dates of:

    Sep 21 2002      115 %
    Oct 04 2002      114 %
    Oct 11 2002      115 %
    Nov 11 2002      133 %
    Nov 16 2002      147 %

        When the passage is due in 2003, there is an exponential
        increase in speed during the last years ...
            ZetaTalk™: in Distance

        Weeks   Px        Dist in    Dist in
        to go   Date      S-P Unit   B. mls.
        39      8/7/02    6.68259    24.558
        26      11/7/02   5.2965     19.464
        13      2/7/03    3.1865     11.71
            Table of Distances, by Robert

        The speed of Planet X is suffient to move it from
        one side of Saturn's orbit to the other in 3 short months.
            ZetaTalk™: Slowing Influences

        The Zetas have said Planet X will transverse
        from one side of Saturn's orbit to the other
        in 3 short months. 818,342 mph!

    Planet X: VIEWING Specs 10/26/2002
      Message ID <[email protected]>

Zetas RIGHT Again!

Note: all information on sightings and imaging can be found as links
from the
    Planet X Sighting TEAM page: