Re: Planet X Opinion; IT IS REAL!!!!!!
In Article <[email protected]> Event Horizon wrote:
> Nancy over at Betabloc has said many times that we all
> WILL see it in our backyard scopes, (those with CCD
> should be mighty impressed, never mind those of us with
> far lesser powered scopes) next month, in December.
Qantify scopes. We have stated amateur scopes and not specified
location (as in backyard) at all. The images being taken by Steve
Havas, available from the TEAM page
are taken with a 11.8 amateur scope, capability, my understanding, down
to Mag 14.7
The Zetas have said visiblity for the common man, without scopes, is 7
weeks before the passage.
The comet will be visible to the eye for approximately 7.3
weeks, certainly no less than 43 days, prior to the great
gravitational and magnetic disruption we have described.
All will be aware of it, though most will discount its presence.
As we have mentioned, most of humanity will be either in
denial or too harried to notice or care. The comet is already
known and visible to your government, and others. They
are discussing this among themselves now. What the
governments of the world chose to say to their populace
is not known - this is a matter of free will, and any guess
made at this time could prove false. We have chosen to
warn people. Those who wish to act can do so. Those
who chose to ignore have made their choice for themselves
and their loved ones. Those who cannot act, due to a lack
of capacity, can make their peace.
ZetaTalk: Time Frame
Now, perhaps youre getting that backyard from NancyTalk, as I
frequently refer to this 7 week period as folks being able to see it
from their backyard. But thats NancyTalk. Might be that folks on
light polluted streets in LA cant even find the Moon, much less Planet
X, at that time.
Whatever you do, folks, dont confuse
and neither with
And that certainly goes for
or any other expounding their OWN version of what has been said by the
Zetas, whether deliberately (as in the case of the professional disinfo
agents) or because of human error or lack of understanding.