Re: Debunkers in Total Meltdown
OH so Typical.
When you can't dazzle them with brilliance,
baffle them with bullshit.
Instead of debating the profundity of the discovery, the possibility
of first contact, and devising ways that the communities of the world
can work cooperatively to overcome the effects of the poleshift.
The Debunker team, at the bottom of the barrel for arguments,
trots out with personal attacks.
Perhaps we're all in a movie, and we're at that scene from the Wizard
of Oz, when Toto pulls back the covers, at which the Voice of Oz says
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, The Mighty Oz has
J.William Dell
RT wrote in message <[email protected]>
> It has become increasingly obvious to the multitude of individuals
> researching the Planet X riddle that ZetaTalk is in total meltdown.
> The debunking crew on this ng have thoroughly thrashed Nancy and
> company and I see no recovery in sight. Case in point is Nancy's
> lunatic rant of a few weeks back on IRC. We all know what
> transpired during that session. What Nancy doesn't realize is the
> amount of damage she inflicted on her cause by 'coming out' so to
> speak and revealing her true nature. Anyone reading the log will
> undoubtedly come to the conclusion that Nancy is not stable and on the
> verge of a breakdown. Well, everyone except ABC, Havas and Dull I
> mean Dell. As far as ABC is concerned, no one can be that ignorant
> unless they have an agenda. ABC is either Nancy or one of her inner
> circle that is being spoon fed by Nancy. Havas, what can I say, he
> is a contradiction in his own eyes (literally). 11th mag. through an
> eyepiece, 20th with CCD imaging? Still can't get it right! Dell,
> ....... Dull has absolutely nothing to contribute. He wears on us
> like a cheap suit, ‘all over the place'. He is not worth the time and
> effort afforded his mindless babble. He/she is either Nancy or
> closely associated, and is being used as an instrument to buy time
> for the Zeta message. To engage Dell or ABC is to help perpetuate the
> fraud. The Dull debates are just that, boring. This ng has thoroughly
> discredited him and exposed him for what he/she is, a fraud. I don't
> think you need to belabor the point. A more intelligent approach to
> exposing the Zeta fraud is to concentrate on the imaging or should I
> say lack of imaging. I know it's hard to resist, but being a
> Zetabaiter is nothing less than being a Zetamasturbater.
> RT
> P.S. Last time I spoke with IMO, the calls to his observatory
> concerning X have ceased. The public IS getting the message.