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Re: Planet X: Viewing WHEN?

In Article: <[email protected]> Open Minded wrote:
> I pointed out that (at least technically) it should be 
> possible by late June or early July to look at your
> coordinates wih a reasonably dark sky ... Now you 
> and Havas are trying frantically to delay the time at 
> which people start wondering why your planet can 
> not be seen as you predicted by putting off the 
> inevitable until fall. 

In the June 22, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session, the Zetas stated 
that Open Minded is in fact trying to create expectations that 
Planet X will be visible to amateurs in June and July, when light 
pollution makes this frankly impossible.  Expectations that will, 
he hopes, be dashed and confuse the issue, buying time for the 
establishment.  Below, a quote from the chat.  

(NancyL) ZT: To anticipate just when amateurs can with ASSURANCE see 
             Planet X in the night sky, look at the image taken on 
             January 19th in France.
(NancyL) ZT: Compare the blur that is Planet X to neighboring stars.
(NancyL) ZT: If, before dawn, in the hour and HOURS before dawn, you 
             cannot see all these stars clearly, then you surely cannot 
             see Planet X clearly.
(NancyL) ZT: Attempts are being made to convince the American public 
             that viewing can occurs as early as July, but this is a 
             KNOWN FALSEHOOD.
(NancyL) ZT: Those behind this disinformation, or should we say lack 
             of information, are hoping a large hooting and name calling 
             sessions prolongs the period when the elite will be safe 
             from demands for information.
(NancyL) ZT: ZetaTalk discredited, NOT by our words, but by the words of 
             others assuring amateurs that they CAN see it in July, or August.
(NancyL) ZT: Was it not last year at this time, that Charlene was 
             ridiculed by David Tholen for trying to sight Planet X pre-dawn?
(NancyL) ZT: His ridicule was for HER, but lets now turn this on Open 
             Minded, who is proposing THE SAME THING!
(NancyL) ZT: What is good for the goose, is good for the gander.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, we suggest that viewing in FALL, at the earliest, be 
             the rule and rumor, not Summer viewing, which is quite 
             impossible given the nature of the object, Planet X, and the
             red light spectrum is is viewed within.
(NancyL) End ZT, Followup?

Re the Zetas comment on holding Open Minded to the same standard as 
Charlene was, in 2001, here's what Tholen stated when Charlene claimed to 
be looking for Planet X on July 1, 2001, from Texas:

    Re: Charlane Exposed! [OT]
    Sun,  01 Jul 2001 13:45:09 -0500
    Article: <[email protected]>

    In support of Josh, wherein he stated:

       In Article <[email protected]> Josh wrote:
       >You say you are looking at P-X with your own scope,
       >and saying you cannot see it.
       >Isn't this providing continued dishonest
       >negative-sighting-reports of P-X ?
       >The real answer is that you are not using an
       >observatory-grade scope, on top of that Orion is
       >badly visible, and P-X is said to gain brightness

    David Tholen agrees!

        In Article: <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
        > Charlane writes:
        >> I am setting my alarm tonight and pointing it in the direction of Orion.
        >> How does one point an alarm in the direction of Orion, and
        >> why would you do it at night?  At night, Orion is currently
        >> below the horizon.  Orion is up during the daytime, just south
        >> of the Sun.

        In Article: <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
        > Charlane writes:
        >> I can only check the RAs and DECs with this 26mm Plossl,
        >> try to spot an anomaly and go from there.  Still looking.
        > In daylight?

        In Article <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
        > That's that you wrote:
        >  "I am setting my alarm tonight and pointing it in the direction of Orion."
        >     --Charlane
        > Are you not for real?
        > And why did you avoid the matter of Orion being a daytime 
        > constellation right now?

        In Article <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
        > Charlane writes:
        >> More typos.
        > How can your attempts to look for Nancy's object be a typo?
        > Orion is a daytime constellation right now.

    If Charlene has a DoD contract, as she stated, in a scientific field
    (computers and infrared), as she stated, this seems very odd behavior
    indeed.  Charlene, how COULD you have looked at the RA and Dec, as you
    stated, at night, if they were BELOW the horizon?


And here is Open Minded's position:

    I M Openmind) wrote in message <[email protected]>
    > Jeff wrote in message <[email protected]>
    >> As for darkness, you START losing that at around 2:59am, 
    >> or basically 3:00am.  So after 3am, you skies will start 
    >> getting brighter.  If your mythical Planet X did exist, it 
    >> would not be visible (unless it's as bright as Venus or 
    >> something) since it would rise at around 4:38am. And I 
    >> wouldn't use M31 as a comparison since it is very large 
    >> and has it's brightness spread out over a large area.  If 
    >> you can provide the angular size and magnitude of your 
    >> mythical object, I'm sure there are some out here that 
    >> could calculate when such an object would be visible 
    >> for your area.
    > As a side note, if you insist on astronomical dawn as the 
    > cutoff, then for Capetown SA, the window (Nancy 15 
    > degrees up, sun 18 degrees down) begins July 1.  For 
    > Madison WI the window is delayed much more, until
    > the last few days of July. So Nancy was "correct" that her
    > coordinates would be viewable in mid-2002 and hence 
    > she and her sources are wrong when they now argue that 
    > viewing must wait until later. Isn't it likely that she is 
    > trying to delay the time when folks start asking "where is it"?


So we moved from Orion being a daytime constellation to being visible
in utter darkness pre-dawn, in less than a month?  Planet X is 
currently between the bow of Orion and the right front shoulder of 
the Taurus bull, at the cust of Orion and Taurus.