Alternate Explanation 2
How many Alternate Explanations have we had, over this past year?
2. 2001PM9 Expected to Arrive April, 2003
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 09:38:12 -0500
Article: <[email protected]>
Subject: Planet X: Alternative Explanation 2
2001 PM9 <= May 10, 2003 vs ZETATALK May 15, 2003
It will make a relatively CLOSE PASS to within .089AU on
MAY 10, 2003. The first possible impact date calculated
and the one with the highest probability of occurring is
set for June 17, 2005. If it misses Earth on that pass there
are another 28 possible impact dates calculated between
2005 and 2079. The orbit simulator is interesting
( On June 3, 2003 we
will be in the area of the solar system where 2001PM9
was 10 days before. .... This plot simulator
( places
2001PM9 closest to Earth in between April 7 and
April 11 2003.