Planet X: Alternate Explanation 4
In Article <[email protected]>
(was Re: Astronomers Ponder the Nature of an Ultracool Object in Orion)
Open Minded wrote:
> Hopefully someone with more expertise will give
> us the real story before Nancy further enlightens us.
I think the real story for all the attention suddenly being given to
brown dwarfs, more visible in INFRARED, located in ORION, is so that
when there is talk of a brown dwarf closer in, inbound, coming from this
general area this can be (hopefully) dismissed by a wave of the hand as
a 'misunderstanding". The general public will hear about OTHER brown
dwarf's, in that area, and surmise that THIS was what the fuss was all
about. Not exactly an Alternate Explanation, as the location is not
close enough to the RA and Dec given by the Zetas for this time frame,
but close enough to allow a dismissal of the ZetaTalk warning (or so it
is hoped). Dare I say Zetas RIGHT Again? In April, 2001, the Zetas
It was known that at this time, approximately February 1, 2001,
[Planet X] would be visible without question to an observatory.
This activity is outside of US control, establishment control,
they are braced for it. They cannot stop it, and know this, thus
are not trying to do so. But will offer countering explanations
for what has been found.
ZetaTalk, Coordinates
How many Alternate Explanations have we had, over this past year?
1. New Comet Discovered in Taurus, Aug 20, 2001
2. 2001PM9 Expected to Pass May 10, 2003
3. NEAT Chart Doctored to Include Jan 19, 2002 Object
4. Cool (but Far Away) Brown Dwarfs in Orion