Re: Planet X Animated GIF
In Article <[email protected]> Greg Neill wrote:
> Nancy Lieder wrote in message <[email protected]>
>> The doctored ones, or undoctored?
> That any images have been doctored is your assertion, which
> is not supported by any evidence.
What we DO know, as having occurred and been provided for the world to
inspect PRIOR TO OR ON Jan 19th, before there was time to doctor images,
before NASA and the rest of the coverup team expected something like the
when the Haute-Provence image, an original .fits from the CCD camera,
stamped with the observatory, with the brave young gentleman who took it
not hiding behind pseudonyms like "Open Minded" is the following:
1. Open Minded proffered an infrared which he did
NOT expect would contain Planet X, with a matching
Palomar DSS, also taken in infrared 50 years ago.
The object within the red circle the Zetas had me
drawn on Open Minded's image showed a round
infrared diffuse object, NOT on the Palomar DSS
taken 50 years ago.
Jan 5th Image:
2. Open minded claims that object, stronger on the
image he took than on the Palomar even though all
other objects are DIMMER than the Palomar, is an
existing star. Close examination shows there are
TWO objects there, a large NEW one just below
the existing star, and the geometry from neighboring
stars is DIFFERENT for the new object than to the
existing star. Open minded's explanation, "the star
moved" and then apparently moved BACK, within
Image Analysis:
3. Pierre then provided ORIGINAL .FITS from the
CCD camera showing the new object at the Jan 19th
position, and no longer at the Jan 5th position. He
also provided an ESO DSS infrared image. The
Jan 19th object was not on the ESO DSS image.
Jan 19th Image:
4. It's not only a new object, it is MOVING. From
Jan 5th to Jan 19th, the NEW object dropped in
Dec as predicted by the Zetas last Nov 2001 and
not changing in RA, likewise predicted by the Zetas
last Nov 2001.
Moving Image:
Given this background going into Jan 19th, where do any doctored NEAT
images figure in? (more, see next posting)