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Re: Planet X: Red Light BENDING Evidence

Magnus Nyborg wrote in Message <[email protected]>
> Nancy Lieder wrote in Message <[email protected]>
> [...]
> >
>> BUT, I have myself measured a HUGE rising moon coming up over a
>> neighbors roof against the room, and a few minutes later as it has risen
>> further but still at the roof top, and it diminishes in size almost by
>> half.  It's that moment when it is just appearing, same as the dawn, or
>> in the case of a sunset, just as it is going down.  Thus, the "ruler" is
>> the same, from moment to moment, and there is a size difference.  Up in
>> the sky, overhead, no.  AT the horizon, just rising or setting, yes. One
>> gentleman, quoted below, DID find the captured image on film differing,
>> too!
> Nancy, that is a lie - you have never measured the Moon using any form of
> device, for two reasons!
> 1. You never measure anything, it is against your 'religion'...
> 2. The Moon is if anything _smaller_ when close to the horison, only because
> of an illusion does it look bigger. When measured, it never shows any larger
> angular size, which you would have known had you actually done the
> measurement!
> Clear Skies,
> Magnus
> >
> [...]

Now talk about denial... Can you explain to me how you can know that
Nancy never mesured the moon or any other object that happens to rise
from the horizon?

And I draw a line right now between Knowldege and Belief.
What you Know you have experienced, like if I say the sky is blue...
you have seen the sky enough to KNOW it is blue.
If Ii tell you that the river near my home as turn green and poisonous
due to pollution, until you see it yourself you will BELIEVE me
because you KNOW from past experience the effects of pollution. But
the fact that the river near my place is green and polluted remain a

I have myself ask the question as to why sometimes I see the moon
larger or brighter to my teachers (not only at rise or setting)... I
was told that pollution was frequent cause, as the clouds and dust act
as binoculars. Until I go into the woods and personally verify that
claim, this will remain my belief. But I dont know for sure.

That line drawn, answer the above question :P
