Re: Planet X: Jan 5th Image
In later analysis, as Open Minded was claiming that an existing star was
the imaged Planet X, I moved the circle slightly to center both these
> Open Minded wrote:
>> Whoops ... not so fast Nancy. If you had processed the
>> PSS image in the same way you would have seen the
>> same object. It was there 50 years ago and also 10 years
>> ago. See my updated web page:
> Not so. I likewise did the same contrast and brightness
> changes done on the Jan 5, 2002 images, and as I said,
> the object in the red circle is NOT on the Palomar.
> This is laid side by side at:
(Posting at
We then moved to discussion on Open Mindeds claim that an existing star
is Planet X, imaged.
> This issue keeps getting discussed as thought the NEW
> blob in the recent, 20 minute CCD is already ON the
> older Palomar 45 minutes CCD, which it is not.
> In addition, the existing dot Open Minded is referring
> to is ALSO on the new CCD, in ADDITION to the new
> blob.
> PSS =>
<= Nancy's Dot
> Please note that:
> 1. all dim object are SMALLER on the recent 20
> minute CCD
> 2. except for the NEW object, which is LARGER
> 3. the new 20 minute CCD also has the dim star in
> the 45 minute Palomar
> 4. so the NEW blob is ....
> => NEW <=
> PSS =>
<= Nancy's Dots
> There are two arguments here, for the blob being NEW.
> Palomar 45 Minute CCD
> . <=dot
> Recent 20 Minute CCD
> . <= dot
> * <= new blob
(Posting at
(Images at
During these discussions I moved the circle to center the objects under
discussion. The companison to the ORIGINAL red circle image
(jan05cir.gif) vs this moved red circle image (jan05zt1.gif) can be
seen, but to show you an offset Ive drawn lines from neighboring stars
so the offset can be seen. This new page, showing the offset, it at: