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Re: Planet X: ZetaTalk ACCURACY

In Article <[email protected]> Ian wrote:
> Nancy Lieder wrote:
>> Not only the poles, but Greenland, which has MORE ice than 
>> Antartica...
> I think you mean the North Pole here, Nancy.
> If the total ice-mass of the Earth is about 30 million 
> cubic km;  Antarctica has 27 million cubic km; 
> Greenland 2.5 million cubic km.

No, I meant Greenland, but this was NancyTalk, not ZetaTalk  I read
somewhere that Greenland had MORE ice mass than any other land body,
including Antartica.  My Britannicas, published in 1987, states that
Antartica as 91% of the worlds ice, and that the SECOND largest ice mass
after this is Greenland.  These 15 year old Britannicas also state that
the Antarctic ice "appears to be growing" and in Greenland the "net
balance appears to be closer to zero", and then states that "the fact
that the amount of ice in the world appears to be increasing is
difficult to reconcile with the observation that the sea level is also
rising" and attribute the sea rise to warmer water or heaving ocean
floors.  I heard from someone in Osaka, Japan (and this is JapanTalk,
not ZetaTalk or NancyTalk) that the rise in sea level they are
experiencing along their coastline (not sure if all or which) is one
foot, not a fraction of an inch.  Perhaps because of all the volcanic
action in Indonesia, not sure, and not sure of this statistic either. 
This is from a native there. But something that HAS hit the news is
disappearing islands in the Pacific, where the residents had to be
rescued or they would have drown.  That said, the Zeta respond as to why
650-700 feet.

    It has been estimated by mankind's scientists that
    the melting, completely, of the Antarctic ice 
    would cause the oceans of the world to rise in 
    sea level by 200 feet.  This is measuring the effect
    of ice above the water line melting and returning 
    to the body of water, and leveling out.  MORE 
    occurs during and for some time after the shift 
    when the existing poles are placed under the 
    equatorial sun and all active volcanoes of the 
    world explode.  What degree of heat would be 
    generated by the crust and core separating and the 
    core moving under the crust? How much heat is 
    required to melt rock, during rapid subduction of 
    one plate over another, which the Indians of the 
    West Coast and witnesses of the last pole shift 
    in the Middle East report? How rapidly does heat
    dissipate, even from campfire ashes, open to the 
    air, or the seat of a chair from which the occupant 
    recently rose?  MOST of the surface of the Earth 
    is covered by the great oceans, which warm 
    completely, without cold spots, after the shift, and
    do not return to having cold spots until some 
    centuries have passed.  This warmer water 
    accounts for the rise in sea level, in the main.