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Re: Zetacult Member Expatriates

"Stig Bull" <[email protected]> skrev i melding
> > Event Horizon, such questions is unwise.
> Whatever you do, don't ever criticise the cult leader. We >know you go to
> extremes to defend your cult leader, David.

For me she is not a CULT-LEADER. She is a source of information that I
trust. Some of it is 100 % true because I have such experiences which is the
same according with the Zetas info.

> We also know you believe you are able to think and talk >for yourself, but
> the truth is, you are so deeply engaged in this cult of >yours, it is your
> entire life and you'll do anything to defend it.

It is a source of information. I have no respect with people accusing
ZetaTalk for being a cult. I say it directly and honestly - it is crap
saying it is a cult. For me it is a source of information and with many
advises. Not a cult.

> Naturally you will argue this point, but knowing you for a few years no, you
> are unable to have an opinion about things unless Nutty >Leader tells you
> which opinion you should have on the matter.

ZetaTalk have many opinions which I have had many years in advance when I
found ZetaTalk - I have told you this 100 times now - but you are 100 %
anti-ZetaTalk - and ZetaTalkdebunker. Of course you will discrete it 100 %.
It is your choice,opinions and belief.

> What is wrong? People is leaving your cult and you feel that you _have_ to
> tell them how wrong they were doing which lead to this? Or are you simply
> miserable because the most important thing in your life is falling apart?

If you would be asked to remove some info from your site - it is SO UNWISE
and not a good way of getting good communication... Event Horizon advised
Nancy to remove info about the tragical events(many deads with the
pole-shift).People could ask so many critical questions they like - but not
trying to ask her to remove some info..that is UNWISE! Sarah Mc.. had many
good critical questions in her reply to me which she shown. You
misunderstand my view about UNWISE questions - I am talking about asking
about removing info - such questions should NONE people try to do. It is so
UNWISE. But other critical questions - yes.

> Oh she has a deep responsibility. For you, among others. Remember, you are
> unable to think for yourself unless Nutty Leader tell you what to think.

No, she has no responsibility unless it is negative motive as murder people
etc... It is only my or other egos will be hurt if it will not be a

> So tell us, David, which place is the safe haven in >Norway?

Close to border of Sweden - East of Norway.

> How much money
> are you going to spend on supplies and survival gear this year?

I do not know excactly. I hope to use some thousands. And I am responsible
for these actions. I could say NO. I will not trust ZetaTalk. It is MY
responsibility in these matters. Stig, The life for me will go on with or
without pole-shift and I only hurt my intuition and ego if it will not
happen. I will be more critical to such sources in the future.

David Skywalker
Star Wars II - Attack of the Clones
22 May 2002 in Norway