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Re: Planet X: IMAGED Again, Jan 19th

Steve Havas ([email protected]) wrote:
> In Article <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote: 
>> Steve Havas wrote:
>>> For the amount that my two cents is worth, I spent about 
>>> an hour looking at the images 
>>> centered on the coordinates: 4 27 18 +12 8 52 with 
>>> various magnifications, and could not see any dim 
>>> objects above random noise when compared to the
>>> circled positions on the new images.
>> And what did you conclude from your observations, Havas?
> That it looks like there is something on the new images
> that is not on the POSSII images from Aladin interactive 
> sky survey which supports Nancy's claim of Planet X 
> existing and in fact may even be proof? Come on! You're
> not interested in the new object that has showed up in this 
> latest image? I thought discovery was supposed to be 
> exciting for astronomers?

I guess this is Zetas RIGHT Again! as last Saturday Feb 16, 2002 during
the Live ZetaTalk IRC session the Zetas stated, and I quote from the

(NancyL) ZT: A year ago, at the turn of the millennium, it was thought
   that NASA and their buddy system would call it a nova.
(Gerard) IQ: k 
(NancyL) ZT: However, with the attention given to the Zeta coordinates,
   they understood that motion in this object would be under too much
(IQx) Nancy: well, they won't call it a Nova anymore =) its moving.
(Jurian) Its uh.. a moving nova :p
(IQx) Lol
(Clipper) Lets give the Z's the floor ...
(IQx) A nova influenced by particles in the atmosphere and changes in
   earth's rotation due to CO2 that causes it to appear that its moving.
(NancyL) ZT: The explosive attention given to ZetaTalk, in spite of
   attempts to completely discredit Nancy or take her down in some manner
   by association with scam artists such as Hazelwood, were expected to
(IQx) And of course the Greenhouse effect.
(IQx) =P
(NancyL) ZT: Hazelwood was a new game plan, and had all the halmarks of
   success, well funded and backed by more personnel than the public could
   even imagine.
(NancyL) ZT: By distancing herself from Hazelwood, Nancy cut that plan
   in shreds.  She did not ALLOW the money connection to attach to her.
(Spiff_Rym) Question: What do the Zetas think about the book (Sitchen)
   The lost book of Enki and the relationship with hall of record? 
(Homy) Hello
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, he went limping into the Art Bell show, and is
   fearful now of being sued for money by the promises he has made to many.
(Gerard) See topic, not during the answer ... please 
(NancyL) ZT: He cannot save them, and now that many are cautious about
   the funds they give to him, can be traced and tracked down, and sued.
(NancyL) ZT: So ZetaTalk survived, this last concerted effort to
   eliminate the threat that Nancy represented.
(NancyL) ZT: Meanwhile, her reknown increased, on the Internet, every
   government's bane.
(NancyL) ZT: Imagine that for every person reading her site there is at
   least a half dozen alerted.
(NancyL) ZT: Imagine that for each of these half dozen most,
   electronically, post word about on the Internet to other mailing lists
   or posting boards.
(NancyL) ZT: Imagine that for every person getting wind of what is
   really about to occur, there is discussion at dinner tables or coffee
   shops or bars.
(NancyL) ZT: Imagine that each of THESE takes the message further,
   bringing it up when the subject warrants.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, it is exploding, which at least the US government is
   aware of.
(NancyL) ZT: Nancy has not allowed herself to be dragged down, or
   compromised her message when asked, as on Earth Changes TV recently
   where ZetaTalk refused to buy into the Sun Mega-Cycle matter.
(NancyL) ZT: She is deemed to have integrity, not someone they can kill
   (though thousands of attempts have been made) or compromised.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, they must adapt to her, at this date.
(NancyL) ZT: Where explanations that the common man might buy will be
   floated out, such as the recent pronouncement about CO2 causing slowing
   rotation, the establishment knows that the educated man won't buy into
(NancyL) ZT: Even the little guy, perhaps without wealth but with a
   brain, can sort though what he observes and hears.
(NancyL) ZT: The governments in the know about what is coming, or those
   suspecting based on rumor in the highest circles, have only a few
(NancyL) ZT: They could come clean, admit a coverup, and then run and
   hide to save themselves.
(NancyL) ZT: This is unlikely to happen, until perhaps the last week, as
   these individuals ENJOY power and priviledge, and are loathe to give it
(NancyL) ZT: They could employ strong arm tactics, invoke martial law,
   and refuse and eliminate any questions about earth changes.
(NancyL) ZT: This requires a military and citizenry well in agreement
   with these means, which does not exist in either the US, Canada, or
(NancyL) ZT: Even China found the Internet rebutting their lines, re
   Tianaman Square. 
(NancyL) ZT: The uproar, even after 911, over loss of individual rights,
   showed the US that their citizenry were not in agreement.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, they have evolved a third tactic, which is to ALLOW
   discussion, but ignore it. 
(NancyL) ZT: In other words, no comment.
(NancyL) End ZT Followup?