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Re: Planet X: The New Image

Idon't ([email protected])
> Ricky Bennett ([email protected]) wrote:
>> What I see inside the circles in the images are 
>> stars somewhere around magnitude 20.  
>> What I DON'T see in the images is a diffuse 
>> object at magnitude 11
> I have been checking the tt-watch, tt-social, and 
> IRC chat sites where Nancy posts her "information"...
> A couple of people are asking for more info about 
> the images or better copies, but they seem to be
> basically intimidated by her.

Oh please.  I wasn't about to post the location of the .FITS files until
we had them and had several copies, on various continents.  These things
have been garnered, and REFUSED to be provided by the observatories at
the last minute, in the past.  

The Zetas have stated that the red spectrum is strongly bent by gravity,
by objects in the solar system between Planet X and the Earth, as well
as the Earth when coming into view in a telescope, there is a MAGNITUDE
DEGRADATION.  I'm sure the Hubble does not suffer from this as much as
we, down under the clouds and atmosphere layer, but then, we just PAY
for the Hubble, we don't have rights to the images. To repeat the Zetas
words on the bending of red light, I repost in part:

    Red light, and light close in the spectrum to red light, 
    bends [by gravity] more readily than other particles in 
    the light group. This can quickly be determined by the 
    common man if he compares the rising and setting sun 
    to other objects he sees in the sky.  The rising and 
    setting sun are huge, compared to their appearance at 
    mid-day. This is due to the light rays which have been 
    bent and would otherwise escape to the side, being bent
    back by the atmosphere so they enter the viewers eye 
    as though coming from a large orange sun. ... The angle 
    between the viewer and the Sun at dawn and dusk are 
    such that more atmosphere is passed through [and more
    time for gravity bending], thus more of bending of the 
    red spectrum rays is done. ... 

    Thus, in viewing Planet X, especially when the 
    inbound planet is faint and small due to being at a 
    distance, viewing is best when the spot in the sky is at 
    either horizon, not overhead. Like the rising or setting 
    sun, allowing the red spectrum light to pass at an angle
    through the atmosphere [and along the Earth, allowing 
    for more gravity pull/bending time], thus passing
    through more atmosphere, makes Planet X seem 
    larger, too. Light rays in the red spectrum that are 
    bending to the side as they approach Earth are bent 
    back, thus seeming to come from the side of Planet X, 
    an illusion that makes it seem larger. Viewing Planet X 
    from a distance is also affected by red light being 
    bent by other factors in the solar system, and thus the
    RA and Dec given seem to vary in an irrational manner. 
    We give coordinates that will best allow man to locate
    this red planet, as depending on:
     - the viewers location on Earth, as to latitude, as 
       distance from the equator affects the thickness of 
       the atmosphere pooled at the equator and also is 
       affected by factors in the solar system to the north
       or south, which can differ. 
     - the time of night when they are seeking a peek or 
       to take an image, thus affecting the amount of 
       atmosphere red light must pass through as it will 
       be either traveling through more atmosphere if 
       at an angle or less if overhead. 
     - competition from other light sources, so that the 
       normal requirement to seek to view on a dark, 
       clear night and eliminate light scatter from cloud 
       cover or pollution or nearby city lights applies in 
       viewing Planet X to a greater degree, as red light 
       can more easily be bend and become something 
       other to the eye or camera than what it would be 
       if registered as coming from the source. 

    The advise for those seeking a peek are to look 
    around the spot given, filtering only for light in the 
    red spectrum, in particular infrared, and comparing 
    what they see against established and published star 
    charts. The RA and Dec given are close enough that 
    this practice will bring success.
        ZetaTalk™, Red Light