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Re: OK Nancy, Where Is It?

Bill Nelson ([email protected])
> There has not been any shift of the Earth's axis in 
> recorded history, and we are talking about thousands 
> of years time. The same is true for crustal shifts.

The Small Kahuna ([email protected]) wrote:
> This point is (I believe) arguable, but even if I 
> give it to you, this does not prove anything except 
> that there is no anecdotal evidence for axis 
> migration over a very recent time period representing
> an infinitesimal percentage of the Earth's history.  
> Are you suggesting that Science hang its hat on the
> *lack* of recording?

Well, but we HAVE recording, of crustal shifts, in the geography of the
Earth.  Would a swing of the magnetic field cause the oceans of the
world to drop 16-20 feet?

Earth in Upheaval, Dropped Ocean Level, by Velikovsky

    R.A. Daly observed that in a great many places all around
    the world there is a uniform emergence of the shore line
    of 18 to 20 feet. In the southwest Pacific, on the islands 
    belonging to the Samoan group but spread over two
    hundred miles, the same emergence is evident. Nearly 
    halfway around the world, at St. Helena in the South
    Atlantic, the lava is punctuated by dry sea caves, the 
    floors of which are covered with water-worn pebbles, now
    dusty because untouched by the surf. The emergence 
    there is also 20 feet. At the Cape of Good Hope caves and
    beaches also prove recent and sensibly uniform 
    emergence to the extent of about 20 feet.

    Marine terraces, indicating similar emergence, are found
    along the Atlantic coast from New York to the Gulf of
    Mexico; for at least 1,000 miles along the coast of eastern
    Australia; along the coasts of Brazil, southwest Africa,
    and many islands in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian 
    Oceans. The emergence is recent as well as of the same order
    of magnitude, (20 feet). Judging from the condition of 
    beaches, terraces, and caves, the emergence seems to have
    been simultaneous on every shore. 

    In (Daly's) opinion the cause lies in the sinking of the level
    of all seas on the globe. Alternatively, Daly thinks it
    could have resulted from a deepening of the oceans or from
    an increase in their areas. Of special interest is the
    time of the change. Daly estimated the sudden drop of 
    oceanic level to (have occurred) some 3,000 to 4,000 years