Re: OK Nancy, Where Is It?
Bill Nelson ([email protected])
> We also have older maps that show where the
> magnetic north pole was a few decades ago - and
> it isn't where it is now. This shows that the magnetic
> poles move.
Or that the CRUST moved after or during the lava hardening, and the core
realigns with the general magnetic alignment of the solar system (you
know, the Suns dominance, as Ulysses recorded on its last pass, NO
change in the Suns magnetic alignment regardless of the favorite theory
of some.)
> The lava records show that there have many complete
> reversals of the magnetic field - although none in
> recorded history (at least of which I am aware).
Or that the CRUST moves, and serious Atlantic Rift ripping or volcanic
eruptions happen during serious pole shift when the CRUST moves more
dramatically than otherwise. No recorded history? Thats because human
record keeping goes to Hell during those times. The Egyptian census,
kept religiously up to the time of the Jewish Exodus, just STOPPED after
the last passage/pole shift.
> There has not been any shift of the Earth's axis in
> recorded history, and we are talking about thousands
> of years time. The same is true for crustal shifts.
I see, and what caused the oceans of the world, WORLD WIDE, to drop
16-20', per scientific studies done by Daly and others? Where did that
water go? Into the deepened Atlantic Rift, for one thing, I suspect.
Greg Neill ([email protected])
> Cooling magma tends to take on the magnetic
> orientation of the extant field at the time that it
> drops below its Curie temperature. So anywhere
> you find lava being laid down over geological
> periods of time, you get a record of the Earth's
> field direction. Ocean floor spreading is an excellent,
> long term case in point.
Yup, Atlantic Rift, er, rip (
and as in the Steens Mountain data
( occuring VERY RAPIDLY,
during violent plate movement and what happens when the moving CRUST
Then there is a slide, where the crust is dragged, over
minutes, to a new location, along with the core. During
the slide, tidal waves move over the Earth along the
coast lines, as the water is not attached and can move
independently. The water tends to stay where it is, the
crust moving under it, essentially. When the core finds
itself aligned, it churns about somewhat, settling, but
the crust, more solid and in motion, proceeds on. This
is in fact where mountain building and massive
earthquakes occur, just as car crashes do their damage
on the point of impact, when motion must stop.
Weak spots among the Earth's crustal plates give way.
The Pacific Ocean will shorten, and the Atlantic widen.
Subducting plates will subduct greatly. Mountain
building will occur suddenly, primarily increasing in
areas already undergoing mountain building. All
told, the better part of an hour, but at certain stages,
only minutes.
ZetaTalk, Pole Shift