Re: Planet-X, Why "Look Around"
Openminded ([email protected]) wrote:
> Nancy Lieder wrote:
>> Please note that:
>> 1. all dim object are SMALLER on the recent 20
>> minute CCD
>> 2. except for the NEW object, which is LARGER
>> 3. the new 20 minute CCD also has the dim star
>> in the 45 minute Palomar
>> 4. so the NEW blob is ....
>> => NEW <=
>> Hello!
>> Palomar 45 Minute CCD
>> . <=dot
>< Recent 20 Minute CCD
>> . <= dot
>> * <= new blob
> Give us a simple english languge explanation of
> the reason that the blob you claim is your planet is
> many 1000's of times fainter than your statement of
> its brightness and far too faint to be visible to a human
> looking through the eyepiece of a telescope.
Ah! Were beyond discussion of whether or not the blob is NEW, and into
discussion of magnitude. Thank you, Dear Open Minded, for this
acknowledgement. Zetas which to jump in here:
Magnitude, as has been discussed endlessly on this
Usenet, does not equate to visibility when the scope
of the object is SMALL, as is scarsely larger than
Pluto, and DIFFUSE, as is not having the intense
pinpoint of light emitted by stars or planets reflecting
sunlight as even your dot Pluto does. M31 is allowed
to be a Magnitude 3.7 but cannot be seen unless one
squints the eye and trusts that what they are seeing is
M31, because it is scattered about and thus diffuse.
No such allowance is given to the inbound smoldering
brown dwarf, which is likewise diffuse. Beyond the
many descriptions of magnitude, there is the issue of
what the eye can see and what equipment can capture,
what equipment has been DESIGNED to capture,
whether pronounced such or not. The scopes and
imaging equipment sold to the little guy SELLS
because it images stars, the biggie on Star Parties.
Infrared equipment is expensive, so is safely in the
hands of observatories which have been refusing to
look THERE lately, with or without imaging
equipment, as has been documented here on this
Usenet. Observatories are situated away from light
pollution and have long tubes insulating against this
so what is captured, and MAGNIFIED, can be
discerned. The observers who found a blob, not on
the star charts, and essentially where our RA and Dec
defined, last Spring, did to some degree by looking
out the side of their eyes, a technique also described
for seeing Pluto, by the way, by one astronomer on
the scene in Vancouver. Now, why did your CCD
capture Planet X? Because:
1. it was THERE
2. you used an infrared imaging device
3. you allowed for a minimum amount of time to
capture it, no more no less, we suspect on purpose.
Lets imagine you had taken a full 45 minute CCD,
for a proper comparison to the Palomar. Lets
imagine the viewing in South Africa by Sonja Jordaan
had taken place, or Steve Havas allowed to use the
scopes in Vancouver, perpetually closed now. Lets
imagine that this brown dwarf was DEFINITIVE,
not suggested by a bit of noise on your 20 minute
CCD or by the odd behaviour of observatories.
What would your President Bush SAY to this proven
accuracy of ZetaTalk, already the buzz around the
world in lunchrooms and coffee shops, though this
not acknowledged by major media sources. What
would he or any leader in government say to the
demands of those governed as to what will be
DONE if such a passage, as the world attests to in
its history, were to occur? Trust me? Well cross
that bridge when we come to it? Just keep paying
your taxes and well beef up defense spending?
They do not WISH for this to be proven, nor does
Open Minded wish to push what would essentially be
the red button, except cautiously, a bit by little bit.