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Re: Planet-X, Why "Look Around"

Greg Neill wrote:
> Blue light bends more than red.

Going back to what the ZETAS said on this matter (something else has
occurred to me).

Sat, 19 Jan 2002 09:51:55 -0600
<[email protected]> 
Re: Planet-X, Why "Look Around"
    Just as electrons are not a single particle, but composed 
    of some 387 particles, light is likewise not composed 
    of a single particle, as hundreds of particles are 
    involved in the phenomenon called light.  This should
    be obvious to man, as light spreads into the colors of 
    the rainbow, and as his scientists describe the behavior 
    of red light as Red Shift, where no such behavior is 
    ascribed to other colors in the light spectrum.  How 
    does this affect viewing the inbound Planet X, which 
    emits light primarily in the red spectrum due to the 
    cloud of red dust around it though which any light 
    escaping from the planet must pass. RED LIGHT, AND 
    can quickly be determined by the common man if he 
    compares the rising and setting sun to other objects 
    he sees in the sky.   

I checked in my Britannicas, and found:
 - in the visible spectrum of light colors, even yellow 
   bends more readily than red, as a prism bending 
   white light into a rainbow has visible RED on one 
   end, thence yellow, thence blue, with ALL these 
   colors in the rainbow apparently bending more 
   readily than red. Point well taken

 - man sees a very NARROW range of light rays, as
   infrared for instance is not seen by man as is a 
   larger spectrum, thus, when the Zetas referred to 
   the "light group", they were not limiting themselves
   to the VISIBLE spectrum, as this was not the 

 - in the rainbow, VIOLET is at the far end of the 
   visible spectrum from red, odd as in creating 
   violet/purple, one mixes BOTH red and blue 
   together to get this color. Thus light particles 
   creating red light are at BOTH ENDS of the rainbow, 
   encompassing blue which lies more in the middle.  
   Thus, when the Zetas said "red light, and light close
   in the spectrum to red light, bends more readily 
   than other particles in the light group", they were 
   correct, as blue, being between red and violet in 
   the rainbow, is WITHIN the red light spectrum.

 - there must be more light in the visible light 
   spectrum than these colors, as we see starlight 
   from afar, UNBENDED in the main, as white light,
   and there is no term such as White Shift where we 
   have Red Shift.  If red shifts (bends) and all other 
   colors bend MORE, then what we're seeing as star 
   light can't be these easily disbursed color rays!  So, 
   when white light passes through a prism and 
   creates a rainbow, is there ALSO white light, 
   unbent, mixed in?  So even in the "light group" 
   visible to man, there is MORE unbend (becoming 
   color) than there is "close in the spectrum to red 
   light".  Right?