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Re: OK Nancy, Where Is It?

Greg Neill ([email protected]) wrote:
> Nancy Lieder ([email protected]) wrote:
>> Where mountain building occurs when the plates 
>> stop moving, the stoppage is not simply a sudden jolt, 
>> like a car hitting a brick wall. All is in motion, and 
>> the stoppage is more like a car hitting a barrier of sand
>> filled plastic barrels - a series of small jolts, occurring
>> in quick succession.
>>     ZetaTalk™, Pole Shift
>>        (
> You have no concept of the energies involved, and 
> the difference that time of expenditure has on the 
> temperatures resulting from energy being converted 
> to heat.  If the total energy release by the impact of 
> techtonic plates were to be released over a period
> of days rather than millions of years, there would 
> be vaporized rocks instead of mountains.

Speaking from experience, Greg?  No?  

Then perhaps you'd consider contemplating the GEOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL
EVIDENCE that these types of "energies" affected the globe as a whole
just some 3,600 years ago.  Or do you have another explanation for the
following, done in several postings, which are not speculation but DATA.

Earth in Upheaval, Tidal Wave, by Velikovsky

    Fissures in the rocks .. all over western Europe, are 
    choked with bones of animals, some of extinct races, 
    others, though of the same age, of races still surviving. 
    The bones .. are mostly broken and splintered into 
    innumerable sharp fragments and are evidently not 
    those of animals devoured by beasts of prey. The 
    Rock of Gibraltar is intersected by numerous crevices 
    filled with bones. The bones are broken and splintered.
    The remains of panther, lynx, caffir-cat, hyena, wolf, 
    bear, rhinoceros, horse, wild boar, red deer, fallow 
    deer, ibex, ox, hare, rabbit, have been found in these 
    ossiferous fissures. On Corsica, Sardinia, and Sicily 
    the broken bones of animals choke the fissures in the 
    rocks. The state of preservation of the bones indicates
    that the animals, all of them, perished in the same 
    period of time. No hardened animal feces were found,
    indicating that the dead beasts had not lived in these
    hollows or fissures. No teeth marks of hyena or of 
    any other animal are found in the osseous mass. The
    bones are those of animals of all ages down to the 
    fetus, nor do they show traces of weathering or 
    exposure. The extremely fresh condition of the 
    bones, proved by the retention of so large a 
    proportion of animal matter, shows that the event 
    was, geologically, comparatively recent. The fact that
    animals of all ages were involved in the catastrophe
    shows it to have been sudden.

Earth in Upheaval, Whales in the Mountains, by Velikovsky

    Bones of whale have been found 440 feet above sea 
    level, north of Lake Ontario; a skeleton of another 
    whale was discovered in Vermont, more than 500 
    feet above sea level; and still another in the 
    Montreal-Quebec area, about 600 feet above sea level.
    Although the Humphrey whale and beluga occasionally
    enter the mouth of the St. Lawrence, they do not climb 
    hills. To account for the presence of whales in the hills
    of Vermont and Montreal, at elevations of 500 and 
    600 feet, requires the lowering of the land to that 
    extent. The accepted theory is that the land in the 
    region of Montreal and Vermont was depressed more
    than 600 feet by the weight of ice and kept in this 
    position for a while after the ice melted. Another 
    solution would be for an ocean tide, carrying the 
    whales, to have trespassed upon the land. But along
    the coast of Nova Scotia and New England stumps 
    of trees stand in water, telling of once forested
    country that (has since become) submerged. And 
    opposite the mouths of the St. Lawrence and the 
    Hudson rivers are deep (land) canyons stretching 
    for hundreds of miles into the ocean. These indicate
    that the land (has become) sea, being depressed in 
    post-glacial times. Then did both processes go on 
    simultaneously, in neighboring areas, here up, there 

Q: How is it, other than via flood tides rising hundreds of feet, that
these whale bones got deposited on mountain tops?  How, if not by great
waves smashing dead/drown animals into the crevices, several hundred
feet above today's sea level, did those bone conglomerations come into