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Re: Planet-X, Why "Look Around"

In article <[email protected]>, Richard Bullock wrote:
>"josX" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> I just redid my tests with different red and blue lines (also with
>> pencil and oil-chalk), and they still show the same results.
> Tell us exaclty how you did this test. Remember, you must look for the
> biggest angular displacement. Is the path you think the light taking
> actually the path that is does take?

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your interest, I will illustrate it, probably most clear:
|          |   piece of paper:
|          |
|          |
|          |
|          |
|          |

Draw with light-red chalk a line on the paper, under that one
a line with light-blue chalk, under that another red one, total
of 3 red (#), 2 blue (|)
|          |   piece of paper
|    #     |   with chalk lines:
|    |     |
|    #     |
|    |     |
|    #     |

Hung this paper on a virtical wall, at about 2 meter high.
I had a broken binoculars, and some prisms from that laying around,
took one (they are (indeed) with 45 and 90 degrees angles), and
stepped some 3 meters away from the paper.

[______________] wall
      ^^^ paper

        X me

Then i looked through the prism in a way that it refracts (instead
of mirrors): 
     |\ o         looking through prism
     o   \  
   o |      \
 o   |_________\

Then i tried to find the paper in the sight, and for that the prism
needs to be turned away from the direct line-of-sight, i turned it
to the left:
[______________] wall
      ^^^ paper

     V prism

        X me

I then observed the following:
|          |   piece of paper
|    #     |   with chalk lines 
|     |    |   as observed through
|    #     |   the prism
|     |    |
|    #     |

This ends the experiment i did, although i repeated it later with
the same results for oil-chalk- and pencil-lines on the same paper.

Then, i drew a diagram showing the light's path's:
light from the red line: #, light from the blue line: | (line refers
to the chalk-lines on the paper):

             #  |  
             #  |
             #  |   bending light from chalk-lines in prism
             #  |   for red-line bends most (topview)
             #  | p
             #  p|.p
            p. #...|.p
                    # |
                              | #
This is the bending where the light from the red-chalk line is bend
more, this results in visually seeing:

             #  |
      |      #  |
        |    #  |   Visual illusion (topview)
  #       |  #  |
     #      |#  | p
        #    #| p|.p
           # #p.|.|.p
                    # |
                              | #

I concluded that this is what i saw,
|          |
|    #     |
|     |    |
|    #     |
|     |    |
|    #     |

                                     and therefore concluded that
the light of the red-chalk line was refrated more than the light
of the blue-chalk line.

If i made any mistake, do not hesitate to point it out to me!
