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Questions LIVE from ZetaTalkirc-session

"Stig Bull" <[email protected]> skrev i melding
> Nancy: Avoidance to my question wether we could ask 
> the Zetas questions up-front in an IRC session noted. 
> It should also be noted by your follower
> that you chose such a cowardly act.

Stig, in the last ZetaTalk-ircsession - we all could ask questions
up-front/live. Then it was no questions from an agenda - but questions LIVE
from that day from who was participating this irc-session on 29 des 2001:

"NancyL) I have some questions left over from last week, but they are kind
of philosophical, and since I've been challenged in sci.astro to just go
LIVE and not have an agenda, I've decided to do that now and then, like
