Re: Pyramids as Planet X Sighting Device??
In Article <[email protected]> Idon't wrote:
> In Article <> Anders wrote:
>>> how could any "narrow passage" in them be used to monitor
>>> any specific area of the sky? The specific area in question
>>> would only be in view for a few weeks(days?)each year, right?
>> Wrong - it would be visible for a minute or two every night during
>> almost half a year. ... Then enter precession and the direction of
>> planet X would miss the "narrow passage" after a hundred years
>> or so.
> I ran the scenario in RedShift and the same spot in the sky does pass
> a given "aim" daily as far as I can tell (if I set it up correctly)....
> But... why would it make a difference that you weren't looking
> through a "narrow Passage"? Isn't it just the daylight which
> interferes with viewing?
Point One: Perhaps the folks who build the Pyramid took into account the
precession, smart as we are not were they then, and more so. At least
they got aloft in space craft and traveled between worlds! Where it is
pointing now, as the Zetas have explained, has been changed by more than
precession, as a couple pole shifts have occurred in the meantime.
Point Two: It's my understanding that the long tunnel is used by
observatories to eliminate all but light from a single source, as much
as possible, and to get an exacting RA and Dec when using a rigid
placement of the tunnel or tube. No "which way was the scope pointed"
confusion. No "but are you sure it was the light from X" confusion.