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Pole Shifts in the Sun 4

was Re: Honest Question...Poleshift and the Pyramids...Pole/Axis shift in Cayce quotes

Now, that what Craig presented in the several sites he posted is nothing
more than observations and ideas and theories, etc. it would appear that
the Zetas were RIGHT AGAIN when I, presenting their concept, stated:

In Article  <[email protected]> Craig Markwardt wrote: 
> Nancy Lieder <[email protected]> writes:
>> In fact, NASA et all just came up with the Sun reverse
>> theory because they had to have some explanation of 
>> why the Earth's crust shows that the Earth has 
>> wandering poles and the like.  
> Given the above types of observations, I believe the 
> magnetic field reversal theories for the sun have nothing
> to do with the earth's magnetic field and everything to do 
> with the sun's.

Observations and theories do not made a fact, as in the Earth is Flat
observation and theory, etc. And these questions I posed still stand.

> We have both Mercury and the Earth, both with magnetic
> cores, pointing in the same direction and why?  Because this 
> is the direction the Sun points in, and it dominates the 
> magnetic orientation of the solar system, that's why!  
> 1. Why would the Sun reverse fields?  What would CAUSE this?
> 2. Why would Mercury and the Earth have the same alignment 
>    if not dictated by the Sun?
> 3. If the Sun dictates, then why would the Earth not promptly 
>    reverse with the Sun?