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Re: Pole Shifts vs Ice Ages (Revisited)

In Article <[email protected]> Thomas McDonald wrote:
> Ian wrote:
>> I have not seen any such action or any such gross 
>> misrepresentation of any of your postings by Nancy. 
>> What I have seen, and which I believe you are
>> referring to, is when she has taken your arguments 
>> about different climate conditions on the same latitude 
>> out of context and reworded that into "... at the same 
>> latitude, on the other side of the globe, the climate is
>> mysteriously warmer, as Thomas McDonald argued",
>> when you do not find that mysterious, and that you 
>> resent your arguments being used for such purposes 
>> by Nancy.

I put my postings on my website, so here's the list of what I said when,
over the past couple months, and paraphrased or alluded to what Thomas
might have said.  You be the judge as to whether I misquoted him or
not.  On the next post I'll show you an example of REAL misquoting, done
by none other than Thomas McDonald himself.

At, I quote:
On August 11, in Article <[email protected]> under the
thread Re: Pole Shifts - Should We Care? I posed the questions to Thomas
McDonald as to HOW per scientific documentation Siberia where the
forever frozen bodies of mammoths are now being found and dug out of the
permafrost would have been WARM AND LUSH while Europe, on the other side
of the globe yet at the same LATITUDE, was in the grip of an Ice Age.
The Sun winked on and off, depending upon which face of Earth was
presented to it? ...

At, I quote:
Europe and the Americas and Russia experience winter the same time of
year, etc.  What McDonald was quoting was documentation that shows that
Siberia had WARMER, LONGER SUMMERS while Europe was in the grip of an
ICE AGE. ...

At, where the offending
statement was made, I quote:

In Article: <[email protected]> Pushenipol wrote:
> Does a compass show such thing ?

As does the crust itself, big time.  The crust shifts.  It does NOT get
a blob of ice on some part NOT a pole, when at the same time, at the
same lattitude, on the other side of the globe, the climate is
mysteriously warmer, as Thomas McDonald argued.  The crust shifts to
position that part of the crust at the pole, and later it shifts again
to move some other part of the crust to the pole. A quote from: