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Re: Planet X: Slowing Rotation 3 (Star Sync Evidence)

In Article <[email protected]> Scot McPherson wrote:
> Oh who cares, we are all going to die from biologial 
> agents anyway. I'd prefer the astronomical ending. 
> It seems like much more fun than dying from some 
> engineered virus melting my insides. .. Is there 
> anything you expect to do other that cause a hysteria 
> if you are right?

For those who don’t give a hoot about small children who will be
orphaned by such an event or don’t have any dependents or in any case
just think about themselves, the choices are easy:
1. get drunk and shoot yourself as who wants to live afterwards if you
   can’t have Sunday sports and beer, 
2. party like crazy and hope not to survive
3. try to locate the White House and stand there and whine a lot
4. take from the weak until there is no more and then loop back to 1.

If you’re a parent of young children, or you care, then you’d want to:
1. prepare at least mentally on where a safe location would be, and what
   to eat afterwards
2. not risk leaving your little ones orphaned at a time when there would
   not be social services to care for them.
3. want to establish a sense of purpose of hope for your surviving
   family or others, something other than the so-called adults sitting
   around depressed talking about the good-ol-days
4. know how to re-establish communication with others
5. want enough info that you can at the least make it like a camping
   trip for the kiddies.

The nonprofit arm of Troubled Times has attempted to provide this
information in a downloadable PDF booklet

And the Troubled Times web site is full or much more, in the categories
of Energy, Food, Shelter, and Health, a result of brain storming by
hundreds of talented folks taking the matter as at least a possibility.  