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Re: Pole Shifts vs Ice Ages (Revisited)

In Article <[email protected]> John Shakespeare wrote:
> Nancy Lieder blurted out:
>> In Article: <[email protected]> Pushenipol wrote:
>>> Does a compass show such thing ?
>> As does the crust itself, big time.  The crust shifts.  It does
>> NOT get a blob of ice on some part NOT a pole, when at 
>> the same time, at the same lattitude, on the other side of 
>> the globe, the climate is mysteriously warmer
> On the contrary, Nancy. There are ice caps TODAY at 
> the same latitudes as dense forests with large browsing 
> animals. Get a map or a globe, find Greenland ...

John, how does the ice FORM there, is the point, in the FIRST PLACE! Of
course the climate will be different if the soil is covered by several
feet of ice, slowly melting, versus another spot on the same latitude
where an ice cover does not exists so vegetation can grow.  


Now, what, John, is your explanation of how Greenland GOT all that ice,
and Finland did not?  (This should be good.)