Re: Planet X: Atomic Clock Manipulation!
In Article <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
> Nancy Lieder writes:
>> Thus, if the atomic clock had been manipulated, there
>> should be a trent on all these measurements, the clocks
>> and watches running faster and faster.
> It the atomic clock has been manipulated, you could see
> the effect on the sky. Computer controlled telescopes
> wouldn't point where they're supposed to point.
And the Earths rotation based on star sighting IS slowing down. Another
quote from a tt-watch posting by someone.
I found that International Earth Rotation Service
[] gives a table showing the
Earth slowing data (Delta T) from January 1972 to January
2001 (monthly). In January 1, 2001 the slowing was
64.0908 seconds. The International Earth Rotation Service
also updates these data weekly. ... The very recent data from
the International Earth Rotation Service show numbers which
allow calculating Delta T for June 13, June 14, and June 20
of 2001:
June 13, 2001, Delta T = 64.208477 seconds
June 14, 2001, Delta T = 64.208550 seconds
June 20, 2001, Delta T= 64.209395 seconds
Troubled Times, Earth Rotation Service page
Oh, and guess whos at the center of all that, too. You guessed it, the
Navy. Please note the phrase, below, on their responsibilities AND
This Center is an activity of the Earth Orientation (EO)
Department at the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO).
The mission of the USNO includes determining the
positions and motions of celestial bodies, measuring the
Earth's rotation and orientation, maintaining the master
clock for the U.S., and disseminating precise time
(atomic and astronomical). The EO Dept. contributes to
this mission by collecting suitable observations and
performing data analyses to determine and predict the
time-varying orientation of the terrestrial reference
frame within the quasi-inertial celestial reference
frame. The key parameters determined and disseminated
are polar motion coordinates, Universal Time (UT1),
precession, and nutation. The user community is very
broadly based, the main applications involving principally
high-accuracy navigation and positioning, particularly in
real-time and near real-time modes.