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Re: Tunguska (Revisited) 2

"Bill Foley" <[email protected]> wrote:
<<Nancy, as usual, has tried to hide a totally incorrect presentation (i.e.,
a big lie) by inserting a grain of truth.>>

That you don't understand something does not mean it isn't true.

<<Some experts at this were Hitler, Stalin, and others.>>

a, Those you refer to used their propaganda to get the backing for & cover
   up their actions like burning a few million Jews. Furthermore, their
   propaganda was to create a false picture of existing entities.
b, Nancy provides information of a heavenly object only known to a few so
   far, as well as provide additional scientific insight on phenomena like
   the Tunguska explosion.
c, Name-calling is a well-known disruptor tactic when you have nothing else
   to provide.

<<The difference is that there were SOME people who actually BELIEVED

Mostly those that wanted to believe, or were stuck in the German society
without any way out (like the youngsters forced into Hitler Jugend).
Some people are in on whatever benefits themselves without any regard for
others. However, just as today, most people will accept whatever the
government & government bodies present. People with the necessary interest
and skills to peek behind the scenes are just as rear today as they were
then. Strange, since people are no longer put in labor camp & killed for
their opinion only. (Or at least, fewer.)

And you may be amazed at who and how many not only believe in the Zeta
information provided through Nancy, but who actually are actively preparing
for the scenario they describe. That Nancy is active here on sci.astro and
.amateur is to spread the word wider, so that those that have the necessary
equipment will be able to see for themselves and take action.

Even though disruptors like you do their best to cloud the message from
Nancy, many will be looking, and when they can spot Planet X themselves,
will have enough time to relocate before the Pole Shift.

<<Nancy is just a broad out for a buck.>>

I could think of a million better ways to make that buck than her book,
which unfortunately is no best-seller. Probably because it tells it like it
is instead of all kinds of gibberish. For anyone interested in the Zetas and
Planet X, I would highly recommend the book. The web-site may seem like a
maze to navigate, whereas the book is well edited and offers more
information than the web-site on the history of Man.

On the other hand, what is wrong with making a living? Is your work to be
considered lower quality and less trustworthy just because you earn a


<<Remember that computers do exactly what you tell them to do, not what you
think you told them to do.>>

For those that never have been exposed to today's complex machines and
systems, such an oversimplification may be correct. However, telling the
computer exactly what to do may be a complex task, involving layers of
software, middleware, firmware & hardware, any one which may have bugs,
undocumented limitations (aka "features") etc.

<<Clear, Dark Skies>>

And a clouded mind?
