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Re: Planet X: Magnitude (Revisited)

In Article <[email protected]> The Small Kahuna wrote:
> Michael L Cunningham wrote:
>> For example, in TT Watch they are now discussing whether or
>> not to rewrite part of ZetaTalk since Nancy has written that food
>> shortages would start to be wide spread due to crop failures 3
>> years before the closest passage of her planet. Since it hasn't
>> happened yet, the suggestion was presented that she should
>> rewrite it to fit what is being observed currently.
> What exactly are you talking about?  I went to the TT Watch
> web site and looked around at the discussions and could not
> find any evidence of a "discussion whether or not to rewrite
> part of ZetaTalk".  References please?  Links?  After all, its
> all public and on the web.

Michael lies a lot.  For instance, a couple weeks back in the Re: Planet
X Question thread, he stated:
    In Article <[email protected]> Michael L. Cunningham wrote:
    > Currently Planet X is said to be in the constellation of Taurus.
    > Individuals are already claiming that due to it's size (four times
    > that of Jupiter) and having a magnetic field that far exceeds that of
    > our Sun (approaching that of a neutron star)

And I responded in Article <[email protected]>
    And ZetaTalk stated it is near the constellation of Taurus
    ( but who the
    heck said it's four times the size of Jupiter and has a magnetic
    field exceeding the Sun?  Not ZetaTalk, that's for sure!

His lame answer "didn't you say that, somewhere?".  He also tried to
insert this into the tt-watch discussions, speaking for ZetaTalk, as it
were.  Since Michael claims to be, and seems to be otherwise, an
intelligent guy, a number of people early on concluded that Michael is a
disinformation artist, and a poor one at that.

The subject under discussion is NOT regarding ZetaTalk, which is a
copyrighted document of which I'm the owner.  It says so clearly in
Troubled Times that ZetaTalk supports the operation of Troubled Times,
meaning that I've hosted them on my web site and act as web mistress,
but this does not mean that the members of the Troubled Times mailing
lists OWN ZetaTalk or can determine to change it.  It doesn't change,
unless so noted in the What's New pages linked from the ZetaTalk home
page, which link back to 1995, the year of it's inception, to the

The subject that came up briefly is whether the Troubled Times home
page, owned by the several hundreds of contributing members (of whom
Michael is not one, as he has never contributed to content but seems
solely bent on destroying the mailing group, a subject that has by the
way repeatedly come under discussion as Micheal's mission was noted
right off, such is his disinformation artistry).  This home page at mentions that families should get into
gardening, due to increasing crop shortages, but in any case they need
to practice self sufficiency.  A quote from that home page:

    About to Change
       Starting in 1997 the earth's warming trend, steming from her core,
       will be noticed and is a general topic of conversation. This is when
       you should prepare for self sufficiency in a safe location.

   Prepare for Change
       Starting in 2000, three years prior to the cataclysms, a period of
       crop shortages will be so severe that alternative food production
       needs to be begun and practiced in earnest. This is when you
       should become practiced at self sufficiency.

   Too late to Change
       Starting in May, 2003, the earth's rotation will stop within a day
       and hold for several days just prior to the pole shift. This is when
       you and your loved ones should be situated at your safe location.

In Article  <[email protected]> Jim wrote:
> This talks of specific worldwide crop shortages starting in 2000.
> There are crop shortages, but not much different than has been
> happening for the last 50 years. Nutty Nancy was pointing to this
> as yet another sign of her phantom planet. Her follower Niels
> was pointing out that this did not happen and the page should be
> revised. It probably has been revised, Nancy wouldn't want her
> accuracy to go down. LMAO