Re: Planet X: Alternative Explanation 2
In Article <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
> Still waiting for the names of that astronomer and large
> California observatory:
>> Nancy Lieder writes:
>> I was told by an astronomer who works for a large California
>> observatory the following "We were looking for it, then we
>> found it, and now we're tracking it.
> Which "astronomer"? Which "large California observatory"?
> Recall that you have repeatedly and erroneously accused me of
> evading answers. Will you act hypocritically and evade the
> answers to these questions?
Well, I DID answer you, in stating that you'd not get his name as he'd
rather not meet with an accident or untimely death, or lose his job, or
get a shot in the neck and wake up in a whacy ward declared insane, or
any of the other many methods by which the establishment via their CIA
or NSA or Military Intel or whatever use to keep the public quietly
trucking to their jobs and paying taxes. Or do you honestly think JFK
was killed by a single bullet, George Bush Sr. was not in the loop on
Iran Contra, and the reason NASA keeps the public from seeing what the
Hubble does, as a direct feed, is because they're honest folks? Here's
questions I posed to YOU, repeatedly, about your independence from NASA,
which you didn't address at all or tried to bluster away with threats of
a libel suit. That silence, and those threats, speak for themselves.
This was last addressed on xxx in Article xxx in a thread called Re:
Planet X: ALTERNATIVE Garbage <= THOLEN! 3, which can be found on my
website ( Asked on July
15th, 23th, 28th, 29th and now a month later on August 25th. Prior
posting copied in total below.
In Article <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
>> You'll not get his name, so he doesn't:
>> 1. meet with an accident on the way home, ala Harrington
>> 2. have an insanity episode wherein he is pronounced insane
>> and hospitalized due to some needle in the armpit arranged
>> by NASA's guardians, the CIA
>> 3. lose his job as he signed a National Security oath not to
>> divulge anything that would be considered a national
>> security issue (such as Planet X is inbound and the White
>> House would like to keep panic down, as who is the
>> taxpayer to have a right to know!)
>> As I've stated, you work for NASA by various hand-off
>> arrangements. And as you work for them, and are
>> associated with the KBO project, they had you lined up
>> to be a disinfo arm,
> Nancy, do you know what libel is?
>> as part of the "alternative explanation" for the Planet X
>> sightings to come this Fall, right?
NASA is going to sue me for libel, because I imply they do disinfo, and
line people up for this? Me and half the world. Lets start with the
Moon fraud threads, and go on to the Mars fraud threads, etc. Does the
world think they doctor images, and lie? Oh, heavens no! This is why
we don't get the direct feed off the Hubble, only safe releases now and
then when NASA is not handing exclusive rights to their friends, whom
they term Principal Investigators! The taxpayer, who pays for all of
this, does have any rights whatsoever, apparently. Their world is going
to turn upside down, literally, in a couple years, but the elite at NASA
and their friends get to know, not the general public. This is because
the government serves the people, I presume.
You've just proved MY point, by the way. NASA and their "friends"
ensure silence by threats.
Still didn't address the questions, Dave :-) You could just say "no" to
them. Why haven't you? Asked on July 15th, 23th, 28th, and now the
> In Article <[email protected]> Nancy Lider wrote:
>> Are you, or have you ever been, a Principal Investigator,
>> received data provided by NASA? Information that was given
>> to you and your associates, but not to others due to this
>> arrangement? Did you work on the NEAT program, in
>> any capacity? Do the University of Hawaii and NASA
>> collaborate - share expenses, equipment, and results? ...
>> Can [NASA] punish you by refusing future collaboration,
>> or a failure to get future Principal Investigator assignments,
>> or the like? Can they influence your employer, which I
>> assume to be the University of Hawaii, to make your life
>> miserable?