Re: Planetary System Similar to Sol Discovered
In Article <[email protected]> Lucius Chiaraviglio wrote:
> The implication of the above is that Earth might be
> substantially inward of the inner limit of the normally
> habitable zone, and only be habitable because of the
> accident that formed its Moon. Some models of
> habitable zones put the outer limit well inside the orbit
> of Mars ....
Well, habitable planets are NOT just to sustain our own brand of DNA.
Some existing ZetaTalk from the Density section of ZetaTalk.
Life only evolves where something akin to DNA can develop
and be nurtured. Where the physical processes are essentially
explosive, as within suns, or immobilized, as on your frozen
outer planets, any DNA type structure would either be torn
apart or fail to grow. What kind of thought process could a
single atom maintain? Habitable worlds are:
1. Those that are not undergoing an essentially explosive
process, such as suns undergo, or are not in such close
proximity to such a process that they share the same
environment. Some heat and even light generating
processes can occur within habitable worlds, and are
even beneficial to life, but the line is drawn where the
explosive process tears DNA type structures apart rather
than nurtures them.
2. Those that are not so far from a heat and light generating
process that their atoms are essentially immobilized. There
is more variety in these types of worlds than mankind
currently surmises. As long as a DNA type structure can
form and not be destroyed, life can exist. However, since
the lessons to be learned during the early densities are
learned best during incarnations, such slow-motion
worlds are poor school houses and seldom develop any
forming entities who fail to spark in such a boring
3. Those that contain a heavy preponderance of a liquid,
such as water, to encourage mobility. Mankind assumes
that life requires water, and they are not far from the truth.
There are other substitutes, just as there are other substitutes
for carbon in the chemical chains that form into DNA type
structures, but the stage must be set, for any type of complex
life forms to develop, for mobility.
- worlds such as your outer planets are too cold;
- worlds such as your planet Venus are too hot;
- worlds such as your planet Mars do contain enough water to
support the development of life, which did develop but has
now been frozen out;
- moons such as Europa could support life in slow motion that
would scarcely develop;
- gaseous planets such as Saturn or Jupiter could support life
if the chemical mix is such that DNA type structures can
develop, the heavy atmosphere acting like a type of ocean.
However, within your Solar System, only the Earth currently
supports complex life, with ample water and heat from a
molten core and the right amount of sunlight from a moderate
sized sun. Both Mars and Venus and a number of planets
formerly in the Asteroid Belt supported life in the past. The
Asteroid Belt had water planets capable of developing complex
life forms, but were dashed to pieces by the trash and Moons
that accompanies the periodic passages of [Planet X].
Your gaseous planets have a chemical mix that aborts, rather
than supports the building of DNA type structures. And
[Planet X], also a member of your Solar System, has a slow and
very controlled explosive process that supplies it with its own heat
and light, which emerges through deep rifts in the oceans and
scatters in the atmosphere to form a diffuse light around
this traveling planet.
ZetaTalk, Habitable Worlds