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Re: Planet X: Alternative Explanation 2

In Article  <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
> Nancy Lieder writes:
>> 2001 PM9 <===== May 10, 2003 vs ZETATALK May 15, 2003
>> It will make a relatively CLOSE PASS to within .089AU on
>> MAY 10, 2003.
>> In early 1995, when ZetaTalk was born, they stated that
>> another pole shift would be caused by the close passage of
>> Planet X on May 15, 2003.
> Are you seriously trying to suggest that 2001 PM9 is your
> so-called "Planet X"?

Oh Heaven's NO!  This was posted under the thread "Alternate
Explanation" Dave, not "Proof" or some such.  ALTERNATE as in an
alternative the establishment (of whom you're one) can point to and say,
when the public is pointing to the sky and asking what that redish
object is that has been in the sky for a few weeks,

    "Oh, not to worry, it's 2001 PM9 and we're about to vaporize or deflect it.
     Go rent the movie Armageddon and see how!  NASA to the rescue!"

In Article  <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
> Well, you've failed to note that 2001 PM9 is currently
> magnitude 19, nowhere close to your prediction for
> "Planet X".  You also failed to note that 2001 PM9 is more
> than 90 degrees from your predicted position for "Planet X".
> You also failed to note that 2001 PM9 is smaller than 10 km
> in diameter, unlike your prediction for "Planet X".  You also
> failed to note that 2001 PM9 is not "diffuse", unlike your
> prediction for "Planet X".  And you also failed to note that
> 2001 PM9 is currently 1.6 AU from the Sun, unlike your
> prediction for "Planet X', which is supposedly hundreds of
> AU away.

Since you're up on all of this, perhaps you could tell us the BIGGIE.
What will the coordinates BE on May 10, 2003?  I think hype about 2000
PM9 could give the general bozo on the streets an "explanation" for
Planet X being visible in the skies 7 weeks before passage, but for
non-bozos tracking it, it would need to line up pretty closely with the
Planet X position predicted by the Zetas.  So, does it line up,
coordinate wise, in 2003?