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Re: Orbit Question

In Article <[email protected]> Greg Neill wrote:
> At any given distance from the Sun, there is a relevant
> escape velocity which, if exceeded by a body, would
> render it capable of leaving the Solar System for good.
> The formula for this is:
>      Vesc = sqrt(2*GM/r)
>    where  G is Newton's Gravitational Constant
>               M is the mass of the Sun (about 2*10^30 kg)
>                r is the distance from the Sun

    And where is the Sun during this time?  Asleep?
    Why was the object THERE in the first place unless
    because of the Sun's gravity pull?  What OTHER
    pull is it responding to that it wants to leave?  Greg's
    explanation is only a neat math equation that
    balances various other neat equations put together to
    describe the motion humans observed in the solar
    system.  They ASSUME an escape velocity exists,
    because this makes their math neat.  In all fairness,
    they have no reason to think otherwise, except for the
    fact that the dirty snowballs they call comets appear
    to leave the solar system, picking up speed for NO
    reason, after having pulled close in to the Sun.
    Apparently, the comets studied math in school and
    are being obedient, in order to get an A and a pat on
    the head and a job after they graduate.

In Article <[email protected]> Greg Neill wrote:
> A planet in an elliptical orbit trades velocity and
> distance all the time.  When the planet is moving
> closer to the Sun, it picks up velocity.  It moves
> fastest at Perihelion, the closest point, and slowest
> at aphelion, the furthest point.

    They TRADE?  Do they negotiate before making the
    trade, as occurs at the Stock Exchange?  Do they
    mull this over and can they decline?  What
    happened to Newton's LAWS?  They get to decide
    if they want to or not, or are they under a Newton
    MANDATE?  Can't have it both ways.  If a planet
    or comet is close into the Sun and then "decides" to
    increase its velocity and move away from the
    gravitation giant is it visiting, WHAT is influencing
    that decision, other than the math Newton used to
    DESCRIBE what he was seeing?  He did not
    EXPLAIN what he was seeing, please note.  In order
    to explain what he was seeing, he would have to put
    forward cause and effect.  What is the CAUSE of
    the increase in velocity and pull away from the
    gravitation giant, and please don't tell us the cause
    is a neat geometric formula, as though these bodies
    had gone to school and have the math in their little
    orbiting heads.  They are drawing geometry?  What
    happened to the Inverse Square law, which should
    keep them close into the Sun when they arrive there?
    The math only works when you keep it apart? Can't
    put your math together?  Is that because it is

In Article <[email protected]> Greg Neill wrote:
> An escape trajectory is either parabolic or hyperbolic
> in shape.  If you were to calculate the energy sum that
> I described before for each of the planets, you'd see
> that the sum E = KE + U is negative.  A parabolic orbit
> has E = 0, and a hyperbolic orbit E > 0.  In order to
> remove a planet permanently from the Solar System you
> would have to make the sum at least 0.

    In order to remove a planet permanently from the solar
    system you'd have to remove the Sun, first.  Why would
    it LEAVE?  What happened to the Inverse Square law?
    Took a nap?  Hello!  Earth to Greg, who is floating out
    there in space unable to put his math together.  When
    you're on a trampoline, you bounce UP because your legs
    did their best.  This equates to a planet getting bumped
    or influenced violently AWAY from the Sun in some
    manner.  Then the force of gravity stops your "escape"
    from planet Earth via your trampoline, and you slow to
    a STOP, then REVERSE to return to Earth.  This
    equates to what the "escaping" planet would experience.
    There are many factors that determine what orbit a
    planet assumes around a Sun, and all of these would
    come into play during such a planetary shuffle, which
    HAS happened in the past in your solar system.  This
    is why your Earth is lopsided.  And then there is the
    Asteroid Belt, standing as evidence of horrific planetary
    encounters in the past.  Do you not think your Earth
    achieved an "escape velocity" during such an encounter
    which put the hole that is her Pacific into her side?  Did
    she leave the Sun?  She was certainly at the "escape
    velocity" during that moment!  Perhaps she did not
    know she wasn't supposed to put her math together, on
    the same page, and got confused, listening to the gravity
    pull that your Inverse Square law describes. No A for
    planet Earth, she flunked the course!