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Re: Planet Earth Slowing 0.5 Second/Day(!?!!)

I must correct my hastily posted statement below.  It is NOT 54.87
seconds/year in 1986, but had slowed BY some 54.87 seconds by 1986
versus what was being reported. My appologies.  Here's the quote from
the Troubled Times page I referenced:

    In January 1986 the difference between ET
    (ephemeris time)or TDT (terrestrial dynamic
    time) and UT (universal time) was 54.87
    seconds, UT being behind TDT; that is
    TDT-UT=Delta T=54.87 seconds.
        Earth Rotation Service

In Article <[email protected]> Øystein Olsen wrote:
>> Indeed, on our Troubled Times site (or pending in the queue)
>> are the following:
>> 1. a finding that per the Earth Rotation Service and
>>    other official databanks, the Earth was slowing in
>>    its rotation some 54.87 seconds/year in 1986, and
>>    is now up to 64.0908 seconds/year.
> About one minute for every fifteen years.