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Re: ZetaTalk and Spaceguard UK

In Article <[email protected]> Greg Neill wrote:
> In Article <[email protected]> Nancy Lieder wrote:
>> In Article <[email protected]> Greg Neill wrote:
>>> Planets trade energy by way of Newton's
>>> force law.  ...  Gain a little, and you move away from the Sun.
>> Fine.  Explain why Pluto move AWAY from the Sun, after
>> having been perturbed inward.  Explain how gravity can be a
>> push-away.  What PULLS or PUSHES Pluto away?  How long
>> does it take to return to its orbit?
> Simple. Just add energy.  You can do this by having Pluto gain
> some from Neptune.  Pluto's orbit crosses inwards of Neptune's,

I see, and does Pluto return to its proper position AWAY from the Sun,
having been pushed AWAY from the Sun by Neptune, promptly, or only after
Neptune is passed?  How long does it take for this push-away to happen,
after the perturbation inward by DE403?

Or does it, like someone spending their paycheck before they get it, as
they KNOW it will be coming, make an assumption of a gravity pull-away.
The pull-away-assumption law of Newton, or some such.

How does Pluto KNOW this will occur, and return to its orbit BEFORE this

In Article <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
>>> But they do perturb "closer into the Sun".
>>> Consider the osculating semimajor axis for Pluto
>>> as of  epoch  2444800.5 = 1981 July 15
>>>    39.9165 AU
>>> and as of epoch 2451800.5 = 2000 September 13
>>>    39.2353 AU
>>> From DE403.