Re: Planet X: ALTERNATIVE Garbage <= THOLEN! 3
In Article <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
> Still waiting for the answers to these questions:
>> Nancy Lieder writes:
>> I was told by an astronomer who works for a large California
>> observatory the following "We were looking for it, then we
>> found it, and now we're tracking it.
> Which "astronomer"? Which "large California observatory"?
You'll not get his name, so he doesn't:
1. meet with an accident on the way home, ala Harrington
2. have an insanity episode wherein he is pronounced insane
and hospitalized due to some needle in the armpit arranged
by NASA's guardians, the CIA
3. lose his job as he signed a National Security oath not to
divulge anything that would be considered a national
security issue (such as Planet X is inbound and the White
House would like to keep panic down, as who is the
taxpayer to have a right to know!)
Are you saying then, by refusing to answer the questions below (last
asked on July 23rd), that you're in the same position? As I've stated,
you work for NASA by various hand-off arrangements. And as you work for
them, and are associated with the KBO project, they had you lined up to
be a disinfo arm, as part of the "alternative explanation" for the
Planet X sightings to come this Fall, right?
In Article <[email protected]> Nancy Lieder wrote:
> Lots of blather, questions still evaded and unanswered!
> Repeated, once again (last asked on July 15th).
> In Article <[email protected]> Nancy Lider wrote:
>> Are you, or have you ever been, a Principal Investigator,
>> received data provided by NASA? Information that was given
>> to you and your associates, but not to others due to this
>> arrangement? Did you work on the NEAT program, in
>> any capacity? Do the University of Hawaii and NASA
>> collaborate - share expenses, equipment, and results? ...
>> Can [NASA] punish you by refusing future collaboration,
>> or a failure to get future Principal Investigator assignments,
>> or the like? Can they influence your employer, which I
>> assume to be the University of Hawaii, to make your life
>> miserable?