Re: ZetaTalk and Spaceguard UK (D8)
In Article <[email protected]> Greg Neill wrote:
>> Equal and opposite? If Centrifugal force has to EQUAL
>> the force of gravity pulling inward, it does NOT in this
>> math. The force inward takes into consideration both
>> masses. The force outward is only dealing with the mass
>> of the secondary. How can they NOT both consider the
>> same factors!
> Please show me where they are not equal if they are written
> as equal:
> G*M1*M2/r^2 = M2*v^2/r
> The equation above says that they're equal.
> We know that they are equal by observation
> (circular orbit ==> inward force = outward force)
The centrifugal force is to OFFSET the gravity attraction of the
primary, or the force of gravity between the two bodies, then why does
distance matter? Per Newton, these two bodies are not AWARE of each
other EXCEPT for the force of gravity. Do these bodies put out trip
wires, so they cannot come closer without an alarm going off? The
Newton trip-wire law? He deals with mass, distance, and speed. Thus he
computes that the force of gravity is OFFSET by the pull outward of
centrifugal force, a faster speed producing more centrifugal force.
In Article <[email protected]> Greg Neill wrote:
>>> v = sqrt(G*(M1 + M2)/r)
>> This is again stating that velocity must only take into
>> consideration a LESSER force of gravity than the
>> Inverse Square law pronounces. You are NOT
>> putting your math together
> You are complaining because the formula for velocity
> does not contain a mass-squared term. That's just silly.
> The result would be a "velocity" specified in units of
> kg*m/sec. Do you drive to the store at 60 kilogram miles
> per hour?
You do if you are considering the force of IMPACT if your car crashes!
Centrifugal Force must avoid an IMPACT due to the force of gravity, no?