Re: Planet X: ALTERNATIVE Garbage <= THOLEN! 3
In Article <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
>>>>>> And they move in egg-shaped orbits in the plane
>>>>>> of the ecliptic? So we have motion ALONG the
>>>>>> ecliptic, lateral, not plunging ACROSS, right?
>>>>>> So known KBO's would not be likely to take the
>>>>>> path the Zetas have laid out for Planet X between
>>>>>> now and May 2003, right?
>>>>> Your path is non-gravitational. KBOs behave according
>>>>> to a gravitational ephemeris.
>>>> Wha'zat? Can you expand and explain? Just what can
>>>> we expect KBO's to DO?
>>> Get back to me when you've demonstrated an ability to
>>> understand. My sentence above already contains the answer.
>> And here, where you HAVE an opportunity to clarify, you don't.
> On the contrary, I've already clarified. You simply don't
> understand the clarification.
>> That's because clarifying the orbits of KBO's would make them
>> LESS of a disinfo tool,
> As a matter of fact, we spent 20 hours of telescope time this past
> week clarifying the orbits of KBOs, including 2001 KX76. It's
> a minor improvement in the case of 2001 KX76, because the
> length of the observational arc wasn't increased significantly, but
> it can be a major improvement in the cases of the other objects.
Which leaves my initial question, what TYPE of orbit (in general terms
the public could understand) these KBO's have - unanswered!