Re: ZetaTalk and Spaceguard UK
Jonathan TATE <[email protected]> wrote:
> With only a maximum of 18 months to close approach it
> should be clearly visible - even small comets are visible
> to amateurs at thi time to perihelion.
They are pretty close in at that time, are they not? Planet X is almost
9 Sun-Pluto distances at this time, per the Zetas. See the distance
chart in the Distance from Earth page
>> Sitchin's 12th Planet and Planet X are one and the same,
>> and it is inbound and due to pass Earth, causing another
>> pole shift, in 2003. The repeated sighting of this inbound giant,
>> a planetary magnet like Earth, were found at the coordinates
>> given by us, in three countries, by three different teams.
> References please.
The details are at that URL I gave you, Rogue Sighting TEAM
( Are you asking for
references re Sitchin's 12th Planet and Planet X? Here's the
Washington Post, 31-Dec-1983
Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered, a front page story
A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter
and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this
solar system has been found in the direction of the
constellation Orion. ... The mystery body was seen twice by
the infrared satellite as it scanned the northern sky from last
January to November, when the satellite ran out of the
supercold helium that allowed its telescope to see the coldest
bodies in the heavens. The second observation took place
six months after the first and suggested the mystery body had
not moved from its spot in the sky near the western edge of
the constellation Orion in that time.
Genesis Revisited, by Zecharia Sitchin
Sumerian instructions for its observation, fully discussed in
The 12th Planet, indicate that relative to the ecliptic it arrived
from the southeast, from under the ecliptic; formed an arc
above the ecliptic; then plunged back below the ecliptic in its
journey back to where is had come from. .... In spite of official
denials, a disclosure did leak out at the end of the year [1983].
It came in the form of an exclusive interview of the key IRAS
scientists by Thomas O'Toole of the science service of the
Washington Post. The story, generally ignored - suppressed,
perhaps - was carried by several dailies. .... By concluding that
the inclination of Planet X might be as high as 30 degrees,
modern astronomers corroborated Sumerian astronomical data.
So does the most recent determination that the planet is
orbiting toward us from the southeast, the direction of the
constellation Centaurus. .... In this regard it is pertinent to
quote the biblical verses from the Book of Job that describe
the appearance of the Celestial Lord and its return to its distant
Alone He stretches out the heavens and treads upon the farthest Deep.
He arrives at the Great Bear, Orion and Sirus and the
constellations of the south. ...
He smiles his face upon Taurus and Aries;
From Taurus to Sagitarrius He shall go.
It is not just an arrival from the southeast (and the return
thereto) but also a description of a retrograde orbit.
Having assumed a retrograde orbit, the significant motion
of [Planet X] is nevertheless inbound, toward the Sun. From
the Earth, however, this appears to be a motion to the side,
in a retrograde orbit. At the mid-year point in 2001, several
things happen to the 12th Planet during its inbound trek.
1. it picks up speed, moving from what was an essential
dither between its two foci to an increasing motion
toward the Sun.
2. it comes closer to the Sun's sweeping arms, and thus
does a stronger jump over these arms when they
pass, increasing its retrograde motion.
3. it makes what appears to be a tick back in its path,
bumping up and then around, as it passes what we will
call an influence that likewise hovers near the midpoint
of the two foci.
4. it settles into a period where the primary motion is
strongly inbound, rather than retrograde, due to the
increased speed it has attained. This speed allows the
[Planet X] to increasingly ignore the Sun's sweeping
RA 4.45732 Dec 11.91793 on Sep 30, 2001
RA 4.45962 Dec 12.44113 on Sep 20, 2001
RA 4.46002 Dec 12.56542 on Sep 5, 2001
RA 4.46137 Dec 12.74267 on Aug 25, 2001
RA 4.46978 Dec 12.98923 on Aug 15, 2001
(yes, this is a tick back)
RA 4.42916 Dec 13.18956 on Aug 9, 2001
(yes, this is a tick up)
RA 4.44371 Dec 13.17165 on Aug 1, 2001
RA 4.52124 Dec 13.74256 on Jul 28, 2001
RA 4.73456 Dec 13.98234 on Jul 17, 2001
RA 4.95179 Dec 14.33179 on Jul 12, 2001
RA 4.96112 Dec 15.74311 on Jul 3, 2001
ZetaTalk (dated June 17, 2001)