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Re: Planet X - Why is it Moving so Fast?

In Article <[email protected]> Vencislav wrote:
> I don't have formulas on top of my head to calculate
> the position and time needed for a planet/comet
> to come close to the Earth and Sun from a distance
> which is 9 times that of Pluto-Sun, but it seems to
> me that less then 2 years is to short. I don't think
> that Planet X can prevail the distance of
> 9 x 40 a.u. = 360 a.u. for about 2 years...
> Any ideas on this question?

In Article <[email protected]> Jowr wrote
> I find the idea of a orbital velocity of ~530 miles
> per second to be a, especially when earth's
> is what, 18 or 19 mi/s?

In Article <[email protected]> Jimmy Joe wrote:
> Taking data from a 'Distance Table' found at this URL,
> and calculating a 'Velocity' column from the given data
> points, shown at the bottom of this note, one finds an
> approximate speed of about 2000 miles/second at the
> time PX allegedly penetrates the ecliptic, passing some
> 37 million miles from Earth's orbit, according to this URL:
> I can't quite fathom what kind of orbit PX has at this
> moment, but a straight-line 2000 miles/second is about 7
> million miles per hour and at the distance it is allegedly
> passing Earth, that amounts to about 10 celestial degrees
> per hour of movement, excluding the effect of Earth's
> rotation.

I was tied up for a couple days and came back to find this lovely
discussion, initiated by someone OTHER than myself, going on like
gangbusters!  Of course, the Zetas have a comment or two.

    Speed, in space, is a relative thing.  Your submarines
    move more slowly than your cars because they deal
    with less drag.  Likewise, objects shot into space or
    incoming feel little distress when out where the
    atmosphere is negligible, and tend to heat up and
    burn when in the thick of Earth's atmosphere.  Thus,
    objects in space have NO ill effects from a high speed,
    other than what they might encounter.  What might
    that be, in the case of Planet X, which we have
    described as traversing the solar system from one side
    of Saturn's orbit to the other in 3 short months.

    Gravity draw from the Sun

    Human scientists who deal with gravity as some
    mysterious "force", unexplained except by the math
    that DESCRIBES it, would be boggled by the path of
    Planet X we have described.  An object comes on, and
    depending upon its speed it will either pass by a
    gravity draw, with an "escape velosity", or be drawn
    in to crash, ultimately, on the surface of the gravity
    draw or into some sort of circular or eliptical orbit.
    So the theory goes.  Apply the particle explanation to
    the force of gravity, as we have described it, and you
    have another scenario, which by the way explains why
    your Moon remains UP there when according to
    Newton it should not.  Planet X is, of course, drawn
    by the gravity pull of the Sun, and thus its periodic
    passage.  But it is also pushed away by the gravity
    particle streams emitted by the Sun, which can be
    described as a fire hose of force, meeting the fire hose
    of force from Planet X itself.  They buffer away from
    each other, forcing the speeding Planet X to BYPASS
    the Sun, at a distance based on its mass and the mass
    of the Sun.  The reducing mass of the Sun explains
    why Planet X is coming closer, during its passage, at
    the present time, than its past passage which were
    through the Asteroid Belt.

    Perturbations from Earth or Other Planets

    This is a variable that depends on speed as well as
    mass.  By the time Planet X enters the solar system,
    its speed toward the Sun ensure that it will move past
    any other planet, including Jupiter, that it may come
    close to.  Should Jupiter stand directly in the path of
    Planet X during a passage, this would case a
    perturbation on OTHER planets that would
    temporarily change their paths, but they would both
    resume essentially the same orbit or path after the
    encounter.  The speed of Planet X ensures this, as
    does the significant mass of both these planets.  Were
    Planet X to encounter a smaller object, such as
    occurred in the Asteroid Belt in the past, it would
    either be treated like a meteor or if large enough to
    engage the Repulsion Force of gravity, become a
    moon satellite of Planet X as many objects have.
    The pelting to pieces that occured in the Asteroid
    Belt was due to collisions of objects not of significant
    size to invoke the Repulsion Force.  Small planets,
    passing close to Planet X during its high-speed
    passage, might become a satellite moon, or be
    pelted to pieces by one of Planet X's trailing moons,
    though this has by change not occurred except in the
    heavily crowded Asteroid Belt, which contained
    some 24 planets and various moons of same prior
    to the past passages.

    Solar Wind

    The effect on Planet X is, as with meteors entering
    your atmosphere, peripheral, so that the outer edges
    of the atmosphere are altered, peeled off in the worst
    case, and need to be rebuilt from the oceans that
    cover most of Planet X.  This same atmosphere
    rebuilding occurs after the passage on Earth, from
    its oceans, as we have described.  Temporarily, the
    clouds are lower on Earth, but the adjustment is
    remarkably quick, so that survivors are unaware of
    anything other than a lower cloud cover during the
    first few months.
