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Re: Planet X - Why is it Moving so Fast?

On Sun, 24 Jun 2001 02:34:36 GMT, Vencislav <[email protected]> wrote:
> I don't have formulas on top of my head to calculate
> the position and time needed for a planet/comet
> to come close to the Earth and Sun from a distance
> which is 9 times that of Pluto-Sun, but it seems to me
> that less then 2 years is to short.
> I don't think that Planet X can prevail the distance of
> 9 x 40 a.u. = 360 a.u. for about 2 years...
> Any ideas on this question?

Taking data from a 'Distance Table' found at this URL,

and calculating a 'Velocity' column from the given data
points, shown at the bottom of this note, one finds an
approximate speed of about 2000 miles/second at the time PX
allegedly penetrates the ecliptic, passing some 37 million
miles from Earth's orbit, according to this URL:

I can't quite fathom what kind of orbit PX has at this
moment, but a straight-line 2000 miles/second is about 7
million miles per hour and at the distance it is allegedly
passing Earth, that amounts to about 10 celestial degrees
per hour of movement, excluding the effect of Earth's

A couple of comments:


2) Since the solar system escape velocity is supposed to be
   about 10 miles/second (54,000 feet/sec, according to NASA at,
   isn't PX, moving at 200 times this value, according their
   own data, going to just hyperbolize itself right on through
   us, practically ignoring the Sun's immense gravitational

N 24* 13' 
E120* 39'

*********** Data Table ****************

 Data | Weeks | 10^9 Miles| Velocity
Point | to Go | to Earth  | Miles/Sec
  1     182	 34.216       -----
  2      16      34.166	      6.36
  3     156      34.09	      9.67
  4     143      33.974	     14.75
  5      13      33.797      22.51
  6      11      33.528      34.21
  7     104      33.119	     52.02
  8      91      32.495	     79.37
  9      78      31.547     120.57
 10      65      30.103     183.66
 11      52      27.904	    279.69
 12      39      24.558	    425.57
 13      26      19.464     647.89
 14      13      11.71	    986.21
 15       9.7     9.166    1274.65
 16       5       5.041    1451.16
 17       3       3.086    1616.24
 18       2       2.06     1696.43
 19       1       1.216    1395.50
 20       0       0	   2010.58