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Re: Some Thoughts on Planet X

----- Original Message -----
From: JTRIV <[email protected]>
To: Steve Havas <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 2:43 AM
Subject: Some thoughts on Planet X

> Steve,
> Saw you were still posting about your sighting of Planet X. We've
> seen a lot of talk about the size of Planet X from Nancy's
> description. Check out this link:
> This is an amateur who takes great pics. See what Pluto looks
> like through a telescope. According to Nancy, Planet X is
> visually only twice the size of the faint dot of  Pluto shown in
> the these 2 - 5 minute exposure CCD images. Did what you saw look
> even vaguely like tiny Pluto as it should from the distance Nancy
> reports?  Just curious if you have compared what you saw to
> images available on the net (such as the link above, great site,
> check it out). From your description it certainly doesn't sound
> like it.
> Jim

I hope you don't mind Jim, but I thought this would be appropriate to post

I guess what I saw would look most comparable to the object that is pointed
to as Pluto in the top image. I would say that as I saw it through the
eyepiece the object was fainter and at least twice as large. When I first
saw it in the eyepiece it caught my attention as being quite large compared
to the other point(s) of light I saw. However, since it has been a couple
months since then it would be difficult for me to do a direct comparison to
an object I see on my computer screen and say for certain "it was that
