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Shepherds of Sci.Astro, an ODE

Was thread: Planet X: thinking of responding?  THINK AGAIN!

In Article <[email protected]> David Knisely wrote:
>                 OUR "LADY" OF SCI.ASTRO
> (dedicated to those who are considering responding to her nonsense)

In the movie Deep Impact, the President and NASA were well aware that
the people of Earth were in deep doodoo, but delayed telling the public
until they had a solution (blow the approaching asteroid out of the
skies, etc.), or so the story went.  They feared panic, so the story
went.  Ever consider that the establishment, knowing full well that
Planet X is inbound, would want the story suppressed until the last
minute for similar reasons?  Like bank failure, a stock market crash,
the rich being distressed, folks not paying their taxes, and all manner
of distress to those in power.  So anyone pointing to FACTS, like
earthquake statistics, full moon and equinox date/time changes, and
recent articles indicating Planet X must still be out there - is to be
ridiculed.  This is because you’all are sheep, and if someone is
laughing and pointing a finger, then you’ll follow along like the good
lambs you are.  This is what those in power, and their agents, think of
you.  Sheep.

    The Shepherds of Sci.Astro
       have a MISSION, you will see,
    to keep the public busy
       and ignorant, not free.

    They ridicule and joke,
       they slander, they make smoke,
    and clutter up the postings
       so the facts get choked.

    You’re not to read!
       We’ll make a stink!
    We’re TELLING YOU, sir,
       you’re not to think!

    And if you do,
       then to hell with you!
    You’re as crazy as Nancy,
       you worthless loon.