Re: Character Assasination [Off-Topic]/Re: JosX, Unemployed and No Life?
In Article <[email protected]> Pete Charest wrote:
> True, but you haven't said anything of any value
> whatsoever, that's why your "person" is always
> under attack. It is the person of an idiot.
Why is it necessary, if someone is so obviously WRONG in their
arguments, to resort to personal attacks? There are all manner of silly
posts on sci.astro, and they are left alone, being obviously silly, I
But if someone is WINNING the argument, being an independent thinker and
pointing out the holes in others arguments, then one of two things
1. stuffy arrogant posters engaged in posturing must admit their
arguments have holes, their thinking ability limited, and/or their
insecure need to cling to certainty extreme, or
2. they go off into their ivory towers to isolate themselves and declare
anyone not in utter agreement with them insane/stupid/a troll/smelly/whatever.
So personal attacks, instead of logical arguments, is the hallmark of a
LOSER. This makes Josh the WINNER in those discussions.
Congrads, Josh!