Re: Planet X: TIDAL WAVES Recorded
In Article <[email protected]> Dave Tholen wrote:
> Nancy Lieder writes:
>> The line of water pressure moves in all directions, as it
>> does if a plate underwater drops several feet, creating a
>> new place for water to go, or subducts to reduce the space
>> where water exists.
> I'm talking about an asteroid several KILOMETERS in
> diameter. Makes a plate drop of "several feet" seem rather
> paltry in comparison.
The Zetas are dying to jump into this ...
Is this a Tholen special, taking a piece of the evidence
under discussion and stating it and it ALONE is under
discussion? Given what our emissary, Nancy, has put
forth on this newsgroup recently, about geological evidence
both past and present and folklore recorded, that you
chose to insist that a HYPOTHETICAL reason for this
evidence, which can only stand if isolated from ALL the
facts, be examined is escapism. We thought better of you,
David, and hope you will rise to the issues presented here,
as a learned man.
What David is doing here would be akin, in a court of law
examining a rape, to the following. The prosecutor brings
in evidence that:
- the victim was found shortly after midnight, in a hysterical
state, with fresh blood running down her legs and wet
from the sweat of a frantic fight, though the night was cool
- taken to a local hospital by the car that picked her up,
frantic and screaming, semen so fresh that it was
considered by the lab to be less than one hour old was
collected from the victim
- friends and business associates of the victim were
interviewed and learned that she had left a late evening
business meeting at 10:30 that evening, and had
declined a ride home wanting to walk and sort out her
- residents in a block midway between her meeting and
her home had heard a scream, about 11:00, but were
unable to locate the source, though several had come
out of their homes and looked about
David, the defense (in this analogy defense of the rapist,
but in the Planet X discussion, in defense of the Planet X
cover-up and government alternative explanations for
geological evidence), ignoring the evidence, insists that
the prosecution MUST address whether the following
scenarios are possible:
- Little Green Men did it, and stole the defendant's
semen to cover their tracks
- the victim just wants to be a movie star, and is
practicing in front of the jury
- a screaming meteor went by that night, causing the
block residents to all exit their homes seeking the
source of a scream they heard
In a court of law, David would be required to provide
EVIDENCE that any of his alternative scenarios were
realistic, BEFORE the prosecutor need address them.
Else, it is assumed to be a delay or distraction attempt,
which this is. What evidence has DAVID provided that
an impact could:
1. cause the oceans of the world to drop 16-20 feet within
the last 3,500 years, such that WATER POLISHED
STONES are ABOVE the tide line WORLDWIDE.
This would require a impact that affected, evenly,
the oceans worldwide, and created waves that washed
the stones for years, to coincide with the evidence.
Has David demonstrated how an impact would be
even throughout the world, and create waves that
lasted for years?
2. cause the Earth's crust to shift such that Mastodons
which had only moments before been munching on
green grass found themselves in the polar circle and
were flash frozen and preserved in that state for the
next few thousand years.
Has David demonstrated how an impact would
cause a crust shift?
3. cause magnetic resonance to be strongest approximately
2,000 years ago, per human recording, yet be
diminishing since that point such that it is estimated that
within another 1,250 years there will be NO magnetic
field on Earth, at the current rate.
Does an impact have this effect on the magnetic
core of the Earth, and has David provided evidence
of this?
If the Moon were to drop into the Pacific, would a wave
deposit whales on mountain tops? Indeed, and more than
that would be found in the mountains, but the evidence
does NOT line up with such an occurrence during the last
few thousand years, which is what he was asked to address.
Is this how you got your doctorate, David, by defining the
arena to be such a tiny area that you could make any claim,
and there would be no facts to contest it? This is a WHOLE
WORLD cataclysm, affecting ALL ASPECTS of the
physical world. Address that please, while trying to defend
the lies that NASA and their lackeys have foisted upon the