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Re: Planet X: SIZE Clarification

John Shakespeare wrote:
> [email protected] wrote:
>> Pluto is 2300 km in diameter and 0.11 arcsec in angular
>> diameter.  Given that subarcsecond seeing is possible
>> from the ground, and quite common at some sites,
>> let's pick 1 arcsec as making an object not look like a
>> point source.  You could get that with something only
>> twice the Earth's size.
> Nancy's object is claimed to be 9 times further than Pluto, and
> four times the diameter of the Earth (so it is claimed, anyway).
> That would make it 0.2 arcsec or thereabouts

We're dealing with theoreticals here?  We're dealing with David's "lets
pick" size, and going from there?  We've had (below) the following stabs
at the viewable arcseconds that P-X would present, if 4 times as large
as Earth and 9 Sun-Pluto distance at present.  WHERE'S THE MATH WHEN WE
NEED IT!  (Not being able to do this, I whine and hollar and put the
burden on someone else, I confess.)

Jos wrote:
> I calculated the angular size of P-X, and it was 3 times
> bigger than Pluto.

David Tholen wrote:
> Pluto is 2300 km in diameter and 0.11 arcsec in
> angular diameter.  Given that subarcsecond seeing
> is possible from the ground, and quite common
> at some sites

Magnus Nyborg wrote:
> Since it is claimed to be about 4 times the size of Earth,
> this would increase it to be about 20 times larger than pluto